Well its been a while.
by Icepick2137 on Comments
Whats new, i got a new girlfriend, really kick ass, played Advent Rising, sweet sweet game, i highly reccomend it, and now playing GTA: San Andreas on Xbox, do not buy it for PS2, buy it for Xbox, everything is always better on Xbox, thegame is great, big, full of adventure and killing, great great game, anybody who is a fan of the series, you will love this game, great stuff, oh and if you didnt know, on vice city, the imageing voice for V-Rock, is one of the DJ's for my favorite radio station here in the Dallas/ FortWorth Metroplex "Joe Kelly", we chat it up on AIM every now and then, haha thats like knowing royalty, anyway, im out, holla at ya boy. L8r.