I don't usually have dreams, but when I do, they're really fcked up. Last night I had a dream. I dreamed that I got a job working for a mob boss. The mob boss was two years old. My first assignment was to deliver a bowl of cereal to the boss. On my way to the boss, I got ambushed by a bunch of mabsters. However, when they touched me, they caught on fire. After they all burned to death, I continued on my way, but I ate the cereal. When the boss saw that I had eaten his cereal, he started beating me brutally(it was like in Family Guy when Stewie beat up Brian). After that, he brought me into a room and told me to wait. I was scared he was gonna do the thing from Casino Royale, but then Abraham Lincoln walked into the room. Abe gave me a copy of Halo:ODST, opened a door that wasn't there before and told me to go. I walked through the door and found that I was on a rolleroaster. Then I woke up.
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