After a hard day of hunting, I had slain the 500 orcs Matthias required of me... and he was right, I suppose. In it's own little way, all of that bloodshed was a bit enjoyable. Tedious, yes, but enjoyable. But it was his next tasks that would really test me.
He wanted me to dispose of 5 people in particular, 3 of them orcs, 2 humans. It wasn't long before I came to a sad realization... every one of these were far more powerful than I. So, I did what anyone would do, I asked for help.
Was it help I got? No, not at first... I was derided, told to take my Koada'dal arse back to Qeynos... but it wouldn't be long before I found another Koada'dal hunting the same ones as I. Thankfully, we were also joined by a feline Defiler in his 20th season, which made the going all the easier. Across the next hour, I found myself, with their aid, going head to head with two of the orcs and one of the humans... but it was their that our paths would split. Tired, sticky, and looking quite the mess, I decided I'd wait until the dusk to continue my hunt for the remaining two.
Help was found far easier last night, and with the help of a charming Teir'Dal and halfing, the other human's head was mine in an instant. With the halfing leading us through masses of orcs to find the last one I needed, we finally came to where Glan was occasionally spotted... but alas, at that time, he was nowhere to be seen. As we waited in ambush, the halfing motioned for the Teir'Dal and I to stay while he scouted about. It was here that the Teir'Dal thought of something of interest.
Wasn't it odd that a strange halfing had led us into the middle of an orcish army and then told us to stay while he left? Perhaps he was working -for- the orcs... perhaps they'd heard of my earlier genocide against their species... Thankfully, the worry was for naught, and things continued to go well the rest of the night. Hours turned into minutes, Glan's head became mine, Garreg's became the halfing's, and we then tested ourselves against a wandering messenger (we, of course, easily proving victorious).
Soon after, we said our goodbyes, and I headed for an abandoned guard tower to spend the night in... soon, I shall be welcomed into the gates of Freeport, and soon I shall have my comfy bed once more.
But for now there is a man at the docks that I must... say hi to.
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