So me and my PE class where playing softball in the school grounds today and i was pitching (or if i got the term wrong throing the ball to the batter) and the ball went smack bang right in my right eye!.. i was like! AGHHHHHHHH.. (but i didnt cry :) ) and i was holding my eye as it was going so fast and a soft ball is so hard (y are they even called soft balls.. their like a rock) and all my mates LOLed.. probably cos to the batsman i said "prepare to meet ur maker" and the tables turned and the ball hit me in the eye..
i remember seeing the ball zooming in on my eye and i was like 'oh crap' and then it went black.. i went to the sick bay and got an ice pack and all my mates were like 'oh mate r u ok' and 'lol chaucer that was funny let me see ur eye' even 1 kid just fell over laughing.. and i began to see the funny side of it.. if it were any1 else i would've laughed like hell..
anyways i got sent home as i couldnt see out my right eye and went to the doctors.. and they said i was lucky i could've been blinded.. the only thing is that my eye has some internal bleeding and very blood shot and a black eye and off school 2 morrow so i can be on the internet :D. it even still hurts now.. this is the second eye related injury ive had all my life.
later i hope i my eye gets better!