@toast_burner: I'm comparing it with the available content on Steam as a whole (which includes Postal 1 & 2). But for the most part I think we agree. Thanks for the chat, but I have to run.
ImaPirate0202's forum posts
@toast_burner: Steam is definitely allowed to make their own rules. I just want them to be consistent. I believe Postal 1 & 2 are on steam and those games definitely push the meter in terms of malicious gameplay.
My beef is with the game being taken off greenlight. The community clearly voiced their approval, Gabe saw this and allowed the game to stay. Now, if it turns out the game has an AO rating, then it's perfectly reasonable that Steam takes it off, since they are being consistent.
>Were they being inconstant though?
Yes. There are other heavily violent games on Steam. I see no reason why this should be singled out as being "ultra violent". Also, what does "ultra violent" mean? Is there some magical scale where I can determine which game is just regularly violent, and which game is "ultra violent"? Sounds like something arbitrary someone made up to label something they don't like that hurts their feelings.
>Your game must not contain offensive material
Apparently it doesn't, at least not by Steams standard. Since, you know, Gabe personally apologized to the developers and put the game back on greenlight.
>That's why I felt that they made the wrong choice but also understand why they made that choice. It's too early to tell, with Manhunt 2 it had already been analysed and rated but with this nobody has really played it, so it was more of a guess as to whether it's too extreme or not.
I agree, which is why the game should definitely not be taken off Steam with all the support it's getting. Let Hatred get a fair shake.
@toast_burner: It was put back on greenlight, so it has a fair chance to compete. That is the whole point, mi amigo.
If it's taken down due to an AO rating, then that's just Steam being consistent. Hatred being taken off Greenlight, despite having a 93% approval rating with a sample size of over fourteen thousand people voting told Gabe Newell exactly what he needed to know. The man knows how to run a business.
I'm currently playing Assassin's Creed III and Connor is Altair-tier in terms of a quality protagonist. The game itself is also pretty bad, but Connor stinks too.
Thank goodness the game came back up. There's many reasons Gabe Newell is so successful and one of those reasons is that he knows when to listen to his customers.
I saw the right-wing authoritarians in the late 90's and early 2000's trying to decide what can and can't be accessible in videogames. Now I'm seeing authoritarians on the left do the same thing. Just another reason to keep on supporting steam.
Gamergate drew me in when I found out about GameJounroPros. That is unacceptable and needs to be dealt with.
the fact half the US population thinks it is and sucks at science is a problem and why people like me and him find this ridiculous.
But who cares. What can you do about it? Do you really think they'll change their minds?
I don't understand why you guys let this stuff upset you so much.
If your docter said "I don't believe in sex, I like the stork theory." or your geograhy professor said "The earth is flat, there's no evidence of a round earth." you'd be upset. There are people in positions of power enforcing false ideas into children. I value education, progress, and truth....I don't repsect someone's beliefs just because they are beliefs. On that note, I'm optimisitic in the fact that secularism and non-religious assosation is on the rise and that these silly ancient beliefs are dying rapidly in the western world. More and more people are calling out teachers and politicians who spew bronze age myths and use it as a justification for new laws or actions
What does ANY of that have to do with the people surveyed. See, this is what I'm talking about. You guys making these comments don't know a damn thing about the people surveyed. Just their religious affiliations. It makes you look worse than they do.
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