Another fine day at S-Mart, as another ordinary customer strolls in. Ash finishes stamping the tags on toasters as the hooded man walks by. Ash is bumped and spins around. A hood coneals his face. "Excuse me! Did you bump me?" In the exact same voice, the man replies, "Yes I did, goody two shoes." Ash instantly realized that this thing was from the same realm he entered a month before. "I thought I toasted you. Apparently, you weren't well done." Ash pulled away the hood and looked into his own eyes. He rammed his fist into the creature's face. It yelped and fell to the floor. Ash turned and sprinted through Housewares and dove over the Sporting Goods counter. He smashed the gun case with his metal appendage and retrieved his familiar shotgun. As he cradled it he said, "Daddy's home, baby." He stood up and watched as a swirling black vortex sucked everything within 6 feet of it. Ash remembered this part too. He was pulled over the counter and sucked into the tornado. He tried to grab the counter, but it broke off. He plummeted through the abyss screaming endlessly. Soon, he blacked out. He felt his flailing body slam into a stone floor, then he lost all consciousness...
So starts Army of Darkness II. Stay tuned for the entire story.