you are assuming everyone has played MMOs. i have never played an MMO and i am looking forward to this game because i love elder scrolls. saying the playerbase cant tolerate another one, assumes that everyone played the same stuff in the same frequency.
will this game continue the use of open ended missions that let you figure out how to kill people on your own? or will it be more linear than Blood Money?
unlikelier things have happened. remember when they said the chances of a plane hijacking were astronomical? and then in 2001 it happened multiple times in one day. or remember when i said i had to eat that? but then i spat it out and fell asleep next to hers.
so it takes place in Los Santos, but that was part of san andreas which was one big island. so unless its all of san andreas again, or they change the geography a lot then wont that mean there will be invisible walls blocking the borders? the thing that made the past GTA games feel so big was that they were islands surrounded by endless ocean. so do we have any info yet on this? it worries me.
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