All this weekend I have been over on Vancouver Island for my cousins wedding. I'll say it wasn't the most boring wedding I have ever been to. There was alot of alcohol available, so it wasn't all bad. While we were there, we stayed in my Aunts guest house on her farm. It was very nice. I got to ride around the farm on the ATV, it was alot of fun. I also watched alot of Seinfeld. I love the show now. You see, the guest house didn't have any cable, but it did have some Seinfeld DVD's. I had never taken the time to watch the show, but now that I have, I LOVE IT! It's great! Funniest show ever, when I got home I went right to the store and bought the season 3 DVD! It's great! All in all, I am glad to be home. Visiting with relatives does get boring [fast :wink: ]
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