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InSane_Snake Blog

Snake Eater

Level 32. I still do come here, not so often. School is making me very busy, andĀ  I seem to have lost that spark in GS that kept me coming back. OT just seems like a lame popularity contest now. Whatever.

PS3 for $150 CDN?

Today at A&B Sound, I saw a Silent Auction for a PS3. The store wasn't very busy, so there was only one bid for it, $15 (.....) so I put down a bid of $150. It was located at the side of the store and it wasn't very busy. Hopefully it will be overlooked and I will win! The auction closes today at 6. Pray for me, please.

6,000 Forum Posts!

I finally got to the 6k mark, that took a long time! I haven't been posting very much lately, but I am still alive! I have been very busy with School and Football. School is lame and Football is still very fun. Have a good week.

Played my first Football game of the season yesterday.

Yesterday was my first game of the season in Football (I play at the Highschool Level). We lost 7 - 0. So it was pretty close. We were actually doing well. We made it to their 20 yard line 4 times. Some said we had a 20 yard line curse. It was surprising that we did so well, since we were predicted to get demolished. They were a AAA team, while we were AA. I play Offencive Right Tackle and Defencive Right Tackle. I played well, I made good blocks and only messed up once. I am looking forward to out next game which is on Wednesday.

Saints Row: An Addiction.

I have been playing Saints Row as much as I can (between school and daily football practices). I can safely say I am an addict. I love everything about it. Ever since GTA III, I have been waiting forĀ an open ended action game with good physics and graphics. Saints Row far exceeds my expectations (and I was expecting it to be amazing). The Singleplayer is alot of fun. Many of story missions and side activites to complete. The Multiplayer is a fun way to hang out with friends and own a few other gangs. It's great.

All my free time are belong to school.

So it's finally September, eh? Schools back in sessions.During the summmer had I had so much free time, I hung out with friends and gamed all the time.This year my shcedule is more hectic than ever.As of right now, I have school till about 3pm, immediately following that I have a Football practice until about 7pm, then I have to do all my homework. (and on Wednesdays I have Guitar Lessons). It's gonna be hard. Having a Football practice everyday is tough work, I'm always so sore and tired. But at least out team is good. Good luck to everyone in the school year.

I'm Home!

All this weekend I have been over on Vancouver Island for my cousins wedding. I'll say it wasn't the most boring wedding I have ever been to. There was alot of alcohol available, so it wasn't all bad. While we were there, we stayed in my Aunts guest house on her farm. It was very nice. I got to ride around the farm on the ATV, it was alot of fun. I also watched alot of Seinfeld. I love the show now. You see, the guest house didn't have any cable, but it did have some Seinfeld DVD's. I had never taken the time to watch the show, but now that I have, I LOVE IT! It's great! Funniest show ever, when I got home I went right to the store and bought the season 3 DVD! It's great! All in all, I am glad to be home. Visiting with relatives does get boring [fast :wink: ]