Alright fellas, so here's some background info. I'm in college and I live on campus in the dorms, and I'm straight. There's this guy I've seen around the floor, usually in the kitchen room. One time when I was making some food, he struck up conversation with me about something random about classes, I can't even remember. I'm a pretty friendly guy so I'll talk to whoever. Well this dude starts looking me up and down like he's checking me out. I felt violated with his eyes, I think I know what girls must feel like when guys keep staring at them.
Anyways, fast forward to today. I have an online class where I have to read articles and write summaries about them. It's not a hard class, its just tedious. I had wound up procrastinating until the last hour that it was due. On top of that, I really had to go to the bathroom and take a crap. I put 2 and 2 together and thought "YOLO" and just took the laptop with me to the bathroom. All the guys on the floor share a 5 shower, 6 stall bathroom, so you run into each other every now and then. Anyways, the guy I was describing earlier was in the bathroom at the sink and saw me dip into one of the stalls with the laptop. I thought nothing of it, I took my crap, did the reading I had to do and got out of there.
Later that day I get a message from this guy on Facebook. We weren't friends but he must have looked up my name (our doors have our names on the outside of them) and sent me a message. This is how our conversation goes:
Him: Hey bro. What's up?
Me: Hey man. I'm good, just been busy with school and stuff. What's up?
Him: lol. Nothing much. I just had to know. What were you doing with a computer in the bathroom? I've never seen that before.
Me: lol! I had to use the bathroom but I was pressed for time for an assignment due for one of my online classes so I decided to knock out two birds with one stone and do the reading while in the stall. I've done it back home before in lieu of reading a book while on the stall, maybe its weird but I don't really care.
Him: lol. Hey, whatever floats your boat. I was just impressed you had the balls lol
Me: Ha, desperate times call for desperate actions. But really, I didn't think it was really that ballsy of an action.
Him: Ah well. I thought you were watching porn. If that were the case, you could have just came to my room, just sayin' lol.
And I haven't responded since. Should I say anything back? Or should I just leave it as is? My Facebook says I'm interested in women so I'm hoping he takes the hint. What do you guys think?
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