For the things u may wonder about me,and they're not listed in my prof...
I really like gaming,especially like LOTR2,AVP2,UT...and similar.
I'm a metalhead...simple,music,concerts....
I like wearing a long black leather coat.
Sometimes I'm being compared to a vampire by people who are not used to seeing me....
I work at an internet company...
2 weeks ago i got chicken poks,it was AWFUL,at the age of 22 !!!I couldn't believe it....I was at home all the time,lookin like a chicken,and playing games all day.Having the time to play games was the only good part.
Not proud of it,but I like to drive fast.
I like going out at friday and saturday nights.Not just to concerts,but to clubs and bars,that play commercial music.I like that people are usually more relaxed there,than at concerts and metal&rock bars.
I love my friends,every one of them is unique and something special.
I have a girlfriend for 2 years now,it's ql.
For the stuff I don't like,they're not worthy of mentioning.