I never liked him something about his demeanor always annoyed me and I'm happy he's gone even though I rarely ever come here and will come here even less after this whole debacle. However the fact of the matter is what happened to him is completely wrong and no matter who it is that just shouldn't happen in this kind of business. No I won't miss him, a little part of me is happy he's gone but overall I'm disgusted that this even happened and I sympathize with him under these circumstances.
Also in retrospect the 8.8 score is dead on for Zelda, most games are overrated and make the score look worse than it really is, it is a great game but not AWESOME AAA and i think most review systems are broken and overrated. For me he nailed that score (can't remember the review content, pros/cons of the game but the score is precise), I still dislike him though.
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