It seems neat, but when am I gonna have time for this. I drive to work and when I get home I literally have dozens of games unfinished and some unopened. I have a PC and Ps4 and SnEs. For someone like me to buy it. It would take a whole lot.
Plus, no offense but. Going outside and playing on that tablet is kinda silly. Most pockets arent that big. And i never have a backpack on me, so lets think clearer and more practical, this is more of a sit out on the porch or in the living room console, And for those select few on there commute.
But I feel like those people already have there entertainment set up, that this would need a lot more intriguing things to make people run and grab it. (No hiccups, or load times, bigger library).
Itll sell. We know it will. But. I feel like the dust will settle and people will just start leaving it on the counter longer and longer when it becomes just a niche even to the people with niche intentions.
Good luck. I hope you succeed soo we have more competition hahah
I wonder if theres a world where on sites like this game reviews don't exist and instead its just a video of there experience.
Basically bring you through the game like the video does here, but instead of saying a number or whether to purchase, it just says.... If you like what you see buy it!
Hmmmmmm. What would that be likeeeee.... I wonder if it would make a difference. It would most definitely stop a lot of misplaced anger hahaha.
@haanabi89: How High are you when you go on these forums. Reread you stoners hahaha, i'm saying that the console HAS to be MORE powerful than the PS4 PRO itll be a newer console when its released. That's the, "lets be real" part here.
Now is this an advertisement that Gamestop paid for? Or is this just an article for informative purposes with no extra profit made?
I'm honestly curious. I dont mind knowing this information, even if its garbage. One time it might not be. But I wonder if this is just a straight up. Gamespot heres $XXXXX write this article.
Well lets be real, if Microsofts new console is less, or equally as powerful as the, by then, year old Ps4 Pro then Microsoft might as well just start digging the grave now.
@IndependenceYou: Also. I was confused if it was a microsoft employee in the quote or the "independent" study employee. Since it legit sounded like a microsoft advertisement, didnt even try an sell it like it was a real study. Hahaha
@allever: this is a well thought out way of saying. Microsoft deffff paid to have this done for there benefit. To that i say. Smart move microsoft. This hasnt been done on consoles yet. Soo wellll done pullin the ace out the sleeve. ????? But most gamers arent as stoopid as you think. ;P
The point is, this game has an obviously black protagonist, whos only goal is to kill a bunch of people who happen to all be white.
If you were to take that concept and switch it, there'd* probably be a "black lives matter" hash tag all over the internet with this game title in brackets.
People wanna select the racism that suits the trend best, and defend blindly screaming as loud as they can.
If you wanna comment against the obvious then bring a point against it, instead of screaming nonsense.
This game is clearly just bad. Its entire concept is to attract the racist propaganda filled brain washed minds of this country as of late.
So keep crying, doesn't phase me, just annoyed me that this game won't get anybody fighting against it cause its against "white people" when if it was any other race it be an internet riot.
Oh and let the record show, there is no such thing as "white people", thats just more propaganda to manipulate us all against each other.
Theres more diversity in the "white" category then any other race, yet we all get pushed into a group.
So **** it then, ill defend that group since no one else seems to want too, cause its not politically correct, even when it makes perfect sense too.
IndependenceYou's comments