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Indescent_X Blog

Rant of Game Physics

Yes making games to be realistic is cool, I do not disagree with that. But sacrficeing the story and key gameplay elements, just so you can have
buildings supports break. That I do disagree with. I have noticed this more and more recently that games are focusing less on the story and more on
the graphics and realisim.

I remember the days of good games like Monkey Island. Now this was -wait is- one of the best games I have played. It
dosen't have the best graphics -Heck it runs in dos- but it has a unique and intriguing storyline which carries on into 3 sequals. Yes 3. And all
of those sequals like the original are great. and the physics engine there is none, this is originally a point and click story.

Now we have games like Fracture which is based on a new Physics system. Yes the whole games is based on the new Terra-deformation.
When I first saw this game I thought Now Way. You can tell a game will lack a good storyline when they either: Include the Physics engine in
Advertising the game or Include it on the Box or as in Fracture keep it as a core gameplay element which the story is based around.

Including a new Physics system in the game but still keeping a good storyline is very rare, Take a look at The Force Unleashed. Yes it had 2
excellent new Physics systems, And look at the storyline. I would say it nearly had it. If they had spent just that little more attention to detail
they would have had a great game

Games Nowadays

I have noticed that games these days are mostly cinematic experiences. Yes it makes a game great in has great immersion. But sometimes it just doesn't work out.
Lets take Heavenly Sword for example. This game had great potential BUT it was too cinematic in a way that it seemed to draw me away from the story. Yes it had those horrible lengthy cut-scenes.

On the other hand there are games like The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. This game is cinematic but doesn't have those lengthy cut-scenes BUT this is a game that lacks in immersion, Every time I became completely involved in the game I saw a NPC get stuck on a 2 inch rock. And I was pulled down from my mystical wonderland of oblivion and thrown back into the world of reality.

And there are games in the middle Lets look at Fable 2.This game was promised with the universe from Peter Molyneux but all we got was a master piece of a game. In my eyes anyway. OK it does have its flaws: The main storyline looking allot similar to Fable and those annoying invisible walls and even being promised total freedom and not being able to kill children (Makes me sound like a serial killer, But it is taking away from our freedom). Yet apart from these flaws they made the game a cinematic game that has immersion and no lengthy cut-scenes (in total cut-scenes add up to about 6-7 mins) Yet there is allot of game play-cut-scenes but you can skip those and still walk around while they are happening.

My first Blog

Well this is my introductory blog into the gamespot universe.

Sadly as of yet my gaming collection is not very vast. Only owning 7 games. 4 on the PS3 and 3 on the Xbox 360.

YAY me..