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Indiscrimi Blog

ESO and Gender Politics

Last night, as I played The Elder Scrolls Online, I decided to clear the last of the Striking Locales in Coldharbour. As I lurked in the shadows, waiting for a group of Daedroths to spawn, another player approached me and invited me to group. That's how I met Mr Titanium.

We slaughtered the Daedroths and went dungeon-delving together. As we chatted, I learned that he's been getting by on scavenged equipment. As is my custom when encountering less well-equipped adventurers, I offered to make him a custom set of armour. “It changes the game,” I told him.

And so we found ourselves at a crafting station. As I worked on the armour in the full light of day, Mr Titanium got his first good look at my character: A young, lithe Redguard woman with modest curves, mocha-coloured skin, and mid-back length, chestnut-coloured hair. As I turned to hand him his new armour, he said, “Whoa, you're hot.” “Thanks?” I replied, uncertainly.

I have spent the better part of the last 24 hours trying to comprehend and elucidate why Mr Titanium's perfectly innocent compliment just felt so damn creepy.

You can probably see where this is going, so I want to take a moment to say that this is not going to be a lecture. I am not an SJW – I don't even consider myself a feminist (although I am aggressively “progressive” on women's issues). I recognize that videogames are one of the few remaining places where guys are allowed to be guys, and I'm not particularly interested in changing that. This is just an examination of a situation in which I found myself that might be considered typical for a woman, but was alien to me.

It is, at this juncture, both unavoidable and irrelevant to talk about objectification. You see, when a person (any person – not just a woman) is viewed as an object, rather than as a person, they are being “objectified”. Focusing on someone's physical attributes, such as sexual desirability, to the exclusion of other attributes, is almost the definitive example of objectification.

However relevant the concept of objectification may seem to this discussion, it is ultimately rendered irrelevant by the fact that we are not talking about a person: We are talking about a videogame character. I designed her specifically to satisfy my own standards of beauty and desirability, and brought her into existence with the press of a button. The type of people with whom I usually play seem to regard her as nothing more than a somewhat ballistic bundle of combat calculus...which, I have to say, is a fair description of what she actually is.

So if it isn't wrong to objectify an object, why the h*ll was the comment so creepy?

At first, I thought that I was weirded out because of a sense of ownership. After all, I designed my character to be pleasing to my eye, not to the eyes of strangers. I thought that I would end up making a point about wanting to look good not equating to wanting attention, which is the standard feminist response to catcalling. But in my effort to write up a comprehensive analysis of my experience, I've spent the last couple of hours reading up on the psychology of player attachment to their avatars.

Have you heard of the Proteus effect? You probably have, even if you haven't heard the name before.

Proteus was the ancient Greek god of being a slacker. He was able to predict the future, but was so loath to putting in the effort that it required that he would change his form in order to avoid being captured and forced to deliver. And so it was that a god whose power was clairvoyance became associated with shape-shifting instead. (Gotta love those ancient Greek gods.)

The Proteus effect is the name for people's tendency to adjust their behaviours and attitudes based on their self-perception. While this sounds strange and counter-intuitive, study after study have found it to be true. People who force themselves to smile are happier. People who put on a uniform become more serious. There was even a study in which the subjects put on VR headsets, and were asked to inspect themselves in an in-game mirror; the subjects who had been randomly assigned more attractive avatars were more confident in dealing with the subsequent tasks than the subjects who had been assigned uglier avatars were.

So, after all of the hours that I've put into ESO, have I simply started thinking the way that my character would? Was I taken aback by the unsolicited sexual advances of a stranger because I had started thinking like a strong, independent woman?

...In all honestly, it's probably the thing that I said earlier: Wanting to look good does not equate to wanting attention. I made myself attractive because I wanted to be attractive, not so that other people could ogle me.

Yeah, I know that's an unsatisfying conclusion. I did my best to be thought-provoking. What more do you want from me? I need to get back to playing ESO instead of just writing about it. Thanks for reading.

Nerd Rage! (Rock Band 4)

A while back, Harmonix announced that they would allow the use of last-gen instruments on their new-gen music game, Rock Band 4, due to overwhelming fan requests that they do so.

I was suspicious. A major component of revenue from music games is from the hardware. They were giving up income because they wanted to be cool to their fans? No. That didn't seem right. No developer does that.

But I was taken in by Harmonix's claim that their new-found "indie" status meant a change in direction, focused on building a great community around their game and blah blah blah. I was charmed. I pre-ordered the no-instrument bundle at my local EB Games, and booked the day off work for the release.

So here we are. The 6th of October. Rock Band 4 is in stores. So why am I seething with anger while Rock Band 4 is not installing on my console?


I knew it! I f*cking knew something like this would happen! Why didn't I listen to my own f*cking brain? I have to wait another month for a game that is ALREADY RELEASED because I ALREADY HAVE THE INSTRUMENTS!? I am a long-time, loyal consumer of your products! I am the last person you should be screwing over!

F*ck you, Harmonix! I'm gonna play Guitar Hero instead!

Journals from Cyrodiil, Part 1

I am Indiscrimi. I play a stealth-focused Redguard Nightblade with the Daggerfall Covenant in The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited. Leading up to the game's release (on Xbox One) I was very excited about the PVP component: The central province (Cyrodiil) of the game world is essentially a three-way team-based slaughtering ground with various strategic locations and dynamic elements that need to be captured and defended in order to award a team bonuses to attack, defense, and resource gathering. If one team is able to control all six key points around the central city, the best player on that team is crowned emperor, and is lavished with appropriate rewards. Did I mention that each team (or "alliance") consists of hundreds of people? A very exciting concept, indeed.

However, as I have always played a stealth-focused character in every Elder Scrolls game that I have played, and cannot fathom playing anything else, my character is not much use on the battlefield. I've been occasionally dropping into Cyrodiil to perform scouting missions and soak up the epic atmosphere ever since I hit level 10, but those few times that I got too close to the action, I was immediately slain. I didn't really experience the PVP until the 23rd of July, two days ago. This is the account of my adventures. I invite you to follow along on the map provided here.

My mission was to scout Kingscrest Keep, deep in the north-eastern territory belonging to the Ebonheart Pact. The Ebonheart Pact was controlling the majority of Cyrodiil at the time, which meant that I had to cross the entirety of the province, undetected, in order to pull it off. Fortunately, I had made myself a set of armour that allowed me to run while remaining invisible, significantly cutting down on my travel time. Even so, I failed to reach my objective twice.

I departed for the third time, as I had done the previous two, from Northern High Rock Gate, and proceeded through the Gate of Ni-Mohk. My route took me past Fort Warden, which was currently the focus of a fierce Covenant counter-attack. I had observed the fighting from a distance the first two times I passed, but the third time, something different happened: I saw a large, co-ordinated group of Covenant soldiers over-run an advance party of Pact soldiers without even slowing down. I thought, something interesting is happening here, and I followed them out of curiosity. I followed them right up to the front gates of Fort Warden and I lent them a hand in breaking through. On the other side, I took to the walls of the fort and starting cutting down the NPC defenders. At one point, I manned a catapult that one of my allies had placed. The chaos, the was everything that I had hoped it would be.

Once the battle was won, that group that I had followed marshaled themselves in the courtyard of the fort and prepared to strike out again. I threw on my headset, opened the area comm channel and said, "hey, is there a group for this I could get in on?"

That was when I met: Lorado, the crazy, drunk leader who was considerably better at being crazy and drunk than he was at being a leader; Hawaiian, the only one of us who'd had enough sense to show up to a war wearing something more protective than leather; and P Money, the otherwise unremarkable butt of many jokes concerning currency and urination thereupon. There were others, but they are unmemorable for reasons that will become evident.

What followed is now a blur in my memory. One enemy stronghold after another fell before our sweep eastward. Lorado said that he was co-ordinating with another guild that was operating in the south, and indeed, the Dominion was losing territory just as fast as the Pact was.

In all fairness to Lorado, he was a solid tactician, consistently winning battles in which the odds were stacked against us through considered positioning of his archers, skirmishers, and Hawaiian, who was not only our tank, but also our healer. However, the things that I remember with the most clarity about that campaign are the arguments that he had with his sister: "Ramen noodles are not in the Mexican food aisle. No they're not! What grocery store do you go to? Just get me a chicken to go with my Scotch. We'll cook it in Scotch. Look up some recipes for Scottish chicken."

We made it all the way to Chalman Keep before heading south to meet up with our allies at Castle Roebeck and assist them with their push east. Recognising that the fighting was only going to get tougher, Lorado called in a dedicated healer from his guild to aid us: Redhead Revolver, a woman of grace, beauty, and great arcane power.

We struck out for Castle Alessia (sometime around then, I heard Lorado say, "if you keep putting your cat in my face I'm gonna eat it") and found that our allies had already breached the outer and inner walls; all that was lacking was a final push into the heart of the stronghold - and push we did. It was an absolute meat-grinder inside: Blades and magic flew indiscriminately. Once again, we were victorious.

And now, we were but one stronghold away from encircling the Imperial City and securing the imperial throne for the Covenant. Naturally, this was when our leader's visions of glory began to cloud his judgement.

Lorado ran ahead of the group, shouting at us to follow. We had no preparation, no formation...and no way of knowing that we would run into a sizable Dominion force on the bridge that we had to cross.

I would like to refer you to the map. Just northeast of Castle Alessia there is a bridge. The river under it is impassable due to an abundance of carnivorous fish. That bridge is the very definition of a chokepoint, and the Dominion had it locked down.

I don't know how Lorado made it through, but he was the first one to do so. With our leader on the other side, yelling at us to join him, we threw ourselves at the Dominion forces with no plan of attack, and were cut down in droves.

Fortunately for me, passing through enemy territory undetected is what my character is made to do. I put my head down and ran through the clanging steel and raining arrows, coming out the other side of the Dominion line without breaking a sweat.

Only three others made it through: Hawaiian, P Money, and Redhead Revolver. Healers are the backbone of any military operation in Cyrodiil, and with Lorado far over the horizon, the tiny size of our group, the overwhelming hostility of the territory, and me being the expert on stealth, I decided that it was now my mission to deliver Redhead Revolver to the frontlines. ...I did a bad job. The others were unable to keep up with my sneak-running, and had to do real running, which made them visible targets. Redhead Revolver was running ahead of me as we passed Sejanus Outpost. A Pact Dragonknight spotted her, and ran down the hill to intercept her. Twenty metres. Ten metres. Five metres.

Bam! I hit the Dragonknight in the back with a surprise attack, stunning him long enough for Hawaiian and P Money to catch up and finish him. I turned to look back up the hill and beheld a crimson tide of Pact soldiers bearing down on us. It was a battle we couldn't win, but I was determined to complete my mission. "Go, Redhead!" I said. "You must get to Lorado! We'll hold them off!"

An uphill fight against superior numbers; two battle-forged brothers at my back; the imperial throne on the line...this was the greatest rush I've gotten out of playing a videogame in a long, long time.

The ensuing battle was, as Loki would say, "glorious, not lengthy." We did succeed in buying time for Redhead Revolver to escape. She met up with Lorado and they were promptly slaughtered by Pact soldiers. It turns out that a bellicose boozer and a hot healer are insufficient for defeating an army. ...In retrospect, I'm a little embarrassed about my theatrical heroics.

We respawned. A quick survey of my map told me that our group was well and truly scattered. By now it was 11:00 at night, and I had to work the next day. Lorado was demanding that reinforcements be called in from the guilds to continue our assault, but I could tell that we had lost our momentum. I said farewell and went off on my own to finish scouting Kingscrest Keep. Within minutes, the Dominion recaptured their castles and the Pact flanked our northern forces. It was over.

I'm amazed at everything that I was able to do in Cyrodiil with only a level 20 character. I'm looking forward to returning when I am stronger. But that can wait. For now...I grind.

Why Evolve Will Fail

I'd like to start by saying that I take no pleasure in making this prediction. I like the work that Turtle Rock Studios does: I loved Left 4 Dead, and it seems that they're applying a lot of the gameplay principles that they perfected there to Evolve. But anyone who seriously played the competitive multiplayer in Left 4 Dead can immediately tell you why the competitive multiplayer in Evolve won't work.

Now I'd like to point out the problem with a question: Is anyone who reads this seriously looking forward to playing as a Hunter, or do you just want to play as a Monster? Of course, everyone just wants to play as a Monster - breathing fire, hurling rocks, devouring people and generally wreaking havoc looks like a blast. Everyone wants to play as a Monster! ...And no one really wants to play as a Hunter.

It was the same problem in Left 4 Dead: No one wants to play as just another jerk with a gun; they want to play as the cool, weird, scary things. When I ended up on the Survivors' side in L4D Versus, I frequently found that all of my teammates simply left the match because they didn't want to be the Survivors. When I ended up on the Infected side, the match frequently closed due to the entire enemy team leaving.

And that was when there was a 50% chance per match that you could play what you wanted to play. In Evolve, there is only ONE Monster per match, meaning that there is only a 20% chance that you can play what you want to play. Unless you have four reliable friends to play with, I predict that the Hunters will almost always be short a few people, which will throw off the power balance of the game and result in the Monster always winning. It just won't be fun, even for the Monster player.

There will be a few dedicated teams of players going on for a long time, but within two months of release, Evolve will basically be dead to the average player. I'd make a joke about "evolutionary dead-ends" or "the survival of the fittest", but I get the feeling that there will be a lot of other smug pr*cks saying the same stuff, and I don't want you to confuse me with them. I see what's coming, and I am genuinely saddened by it. ...Although, not so saddened that I won't gloat a bit when my prediction comes true.

Random Thought #6

The American military was not desegregated until 1948. So why does Captain America, who was frozen in ice since the mid-forties, have no problem with taking orders from Nick Fury? Steve Rogers should absolutely be a racist.

Why Canada Post Should Deal Drugs

I was out at a pub last night with a friend. Lately, the potential legalization of marijuana and the potential elimination of home mail delivery are subjects that we like to discuss, and last night, I suggested - as a joke - that Canada Post should sell and distribute marijuana, legally, across Canada.

You see, Canada Post is a "Crown Corporation", which means, essentially, that it is a branch of the government that is expected to be self-sustaining (ie no regular injections of tax dollars). For the past few years, Canada Post has been losing money, due the the incompetence and avarice of those who run it. The best way to fix this problem would be to purge the administration of the useless, greedy bastards and put some decent people in charge. However, this is a government organization; asking that they be governed responsibly is like asking a lion to go vegan. So instead of doing the smart thing, Canada Post is contemplating the elimination of home mail delivery. Instead, there would be a drop location every couple of blocks, where everyone in the neighbourhood could go to collect their mail.

No. Just, no. Granted, the proposed alternative would seem reasonable, if it weren't for the benefit of a bunch of *ssholes who just don't want to do their jobs properly. It would make Canada the first developed country in the world to eliminate home mail delivery, which is simply absurd.

So, if firing morons is out of the question and eliminating services is unacceptable, that means that Canada Post needs additional revenue, and there's only so far you can hike up the price of stamps before driving away all of your customers. It seems to me that the only option is to diversify.

Before I really get into this, I should clarify that I don't approve of recreational drug use (although I do approve of alcohol - call me a hypocrite if you must). I also don't approve of the way that Canada Post is run, but clearly the world doesn't need my approval. My point is that if Canada Post must have additional revenue, and if marijuana must be legalized, then this would be the best way of going about both. Yes, I first suggested it as a joke, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that it just makes sense for Canada Post to sell drugs.

Point #1: Regulation. They're a government agency; they know exactly where you live. 'Nuff said.

Point #2: Distribution. They already have the trucks and warehouses to move marijuana from the pot plantations of British Columbia to the heart of every major city and rural town in Canada. They have offices in every shopping complex. The post offices even have finely-tuned scales for weighing packages - they could easily be used for weighing out and selling marijuana.

Point #3: Public Safety. If pot-heads can have marijuana delivered to their door, that means that they're less likely to try driving while under the influence. It means that they don't have to go to shady places and deal with shady people. It just makes the whole thing a lot safer for both the user and the general public.

I could keep going, but I'm too depressed by the fact that I live in a world in which what I'm saying actually makes sense. F*ck you, Canada Post. You're killing my faith in humanity.

Women in Call of Duty Multiplayer

Back on the 14th of November, 2012, I wrote the following in my Black Ops 2 review:

"...I would like to take this opportunity to make [a] point that I feel needs to be made: Where are the women? I see enemies in front of me; they're all dudes. I see my allies around me; they're all dudes. I appreciate that the people who make these games don't want to show women being violently murdered, but there's a point where covering your ass becomes disrespectful to the women in uniform who do the exact same job as the men of the armed forces.

Have you noticed that all the helicopter and jet pilots in these games are women? This is a trend that goes back as far as Halo 1, if not further. It's because developers want to have female characters, but they don't want to put them on the ground, in harm's way. I call bullsh*t. This is something the industry needs to fix immediately."

And now, nearly a year later, we have this:

I don't believe for a second that someone at Infinity Ward read my post, but it seems that at least one of them was on the same wavelength as I was. You may now be in awe of my prescience.

Why Pacific Rim Sucks

It feels kinda mean-spirited to write this - I've never gotten enjoyment out of shooting fish in a barrel - but I've already written my previous post and I cannot resist to temptation to bookend my thoughts, so here it goes.

So, my friend (the one from the previous post) and I finally went to see Pacific Rim last week, and we sat around mocking it well into the night. I intend to relate a few of our better barbs to you here. But before I can start shooting, I ought to familiarise you with the target somewhat.

In the near future, a rift opens at the bottom of the Pacific ocean and monsters start coming through. At first, there is only one every few months; then it's every few weeks. During the course of the movie, they start coming through two at a time every few days, and so on. In response to the attacks of these monsters (named Kaiju) the governments, industries and militaries of the whole world club together and start building giant robots (called Jaegers) that can go toe to toe with the monsters and beat them down.

But at some point, the decision is made that continuing to build and deploy Jaegers is too costly and work commences on a wall. A wall to stop giant monsters. A wall to stop giant monsters that encircles the entire Pacific ocean. A wall to stop giant monsters that encircles the entire Pacific ocean and that collapses at the very first instance that a giant monster attacks it.

Meanwhile, a veteran Jaeger pilot, Generic Expendable Black Man #1, is put in charge of that which remains of the Jaeger programme, which consists in its entirety of: the Expendable Chinese Triplets, the Expendable Russian Couple Who Are Connected To Arms Dealers, the Totally-Gonna-Die-Heroically-In-The-End Australian Dick, the Hero, and Nerdy Asian Sidekick Girl. In Generic Expendable Black Man #1's capacity as commander of humanity's token rearguard action, he decides to mount a last ditch assault on the rift, and his plans are not even slightly re-evaluated when he loses half of his force in one battle.

Where do I begin with this? Well, I think I've pretty well covered my reasons for hating the characters; no point in lingering there. So how about that f*cking wall? How exactly is building a wall more cost effective than building robots? And even if it is more cost effective, why build it around the entire Pacific ocean? Why not just the rift? Or better yet, build a dome over the rift. Make the dome five kilometres thick; let the Kaiju squish themselves in there and rot.

In the movie, it becomes very clear that the Jaeger programme's standard operating procedure is to deploy one Jaeger to deal with each individual Kaiju. Maybe this is a result of having to protect so much coastline with limited resources. Still, the solution seems obvious to a gamer such as myself, and I shall make the solution obvious to you using the universal gamer language:

You're playing a competitive online game. It doesn't matter whether it's Call of Duty, League of Legends or Starcraft. You are part of a three person team, and you have to protect three objectives: San Francisco, Ho Chi Minh City, and Sydney. The enemy team has only ONE member, and they always spawn in the same place at a predictable time. Every time they spawn, they get tougher (higher level, more perks, whatever) and you can no longer guarantee that a member of your team will always win in a one on one fight. Also, if you lose, you are permanently banned from playing online games, because humanity with be wiped out.

That's right. The finest military minds that the human race has to offer cannot figure out the concept of "spawn camping". My friend put it best when he said, "this is called a chokepoint. Give me 300 Spartans and 150 robots. Problem solved." I mean, the rift is only 50 metres wide. 50 metres! You don't even need robots to deal with the Kaiju, just launch a missile at it when another one is due!

The whole premise is made more ridiculous when it is discovered that the Kaiju are in fact alien invaders trying to take over the earth. What the hell kind of battle plan is "send one guy and wait eight months before sending the next"!? It is discovered that the Kaiju want earth because we've made it just toxic enough for it to be comfortable for them. Well, if they have a liking for livable-yet-toxic planets, wouldn't that mean that they would have to face a technologically advanced race every single time that they try to move in somewhere new? And even once the humans successfully close the rift, what's to stop the Kaiju from just opening a new one and trying again? WHY THE HELL DO THE POLITICIANS THINK THAT BUILDING A GIANT WALL WILL HELP? WHY DID GENERIC EXPENDABLE BLACK MAN #1 AND TOTALLY-GONNA-DIE-HEROICALLY-IN-THE-END AUSTRALIAN DICK BLOW THEMSELVES UP WHEN JAEGERS ARE EQUIPPED WITH ESCAPE PODS!? WHY WOULD THEY USE A SHIP AS A CLUB WHEN THE ROBOT HAS BUILT-IN RETRACTABLE SWORDS!? WHY WOULD THEY DEPLETE BOTH OF THEIR PLASMA GUNS ON ONE KAIJU WHEN THEY STILL HAVE TO FIGHT A SECOND ONE!? WHY THE F*CK DO JAEGERS NEED TWO PILOTS!? WHY IS GENERIC EXPENDABLE BLACK MAN #1 DYING OF RADIATION SICKNESS FROM PILOTING A JAEGER, BUT NOT HIS CO-PILOT!? WHY IS THERE AN ENORMOUS SCREEN IN THE CONTROL ROOM THAT CONTINUOUSLY SCROLLS THE NUMBERS ZERO TO NINE ON A LOOP!? RARARAGLGUAERAAAALLLL!!!

I'm sorry, but this movie needs to be put down. It has a fatal case of stupid. This is what happens when there are too many writers and not enough story-telling talent: Lots of unique ideas with absolutely no cohesion or sense.

Oh, by the way, I totally effing called it.

Why Pacific Rim Will Suck

I don't feel like I should have to explain why a cross between Transformers and Godzilla will be a terrible movie, but apparently I do.

Hear me out! I'm not just trolling here; I have some valid points. I know that Guillermo del Toro directed the movie and I am more than familiar with Mr del Toro's work, but, well, Pacific Rim hardly seems like his kind of thing.

The catalyst for this post was an argument that I had with a friend (a friend who enjoyed the latest zombie movie, 'Brad Pitt Sh*ts On Nerd Culture, Starring Brad Pitt,' so his tastes are somewhat suspect) that primarily revolved around how competently - we believe - good ol' Guillermo could handle a movie like Pacific Rim.

"He's done action, he's done monsters, and he's done both well," went my friend's argument. He went on to point out that writing Pacific Rim off as a crossover of two movies that were made by completely different people (we're looking at you, Bay and Emmerich) is ridiculous. Fair points.

I responded, in a roundabout way, that although he has handled action and monsters well in the past, Pacific Rim is an entirely different beast - one which cannot possibly mesh with his film-making style.

Let's take, for example, del Toro's quintessential monster flick (and arguably his best work), Pan's Labyrinth. The most important thing to keep in mind about this movie is that, in spite of the fact that I just introduced it as his "quintessential monster flick," the movie is not actually about monsters - not supernatural ones, anyway. Nor is Pan's Labyrinth about the violence and brutality of the Spanish civil war, though that certainly rears its ugly head. It's about an unhappy girl trying to escape her reality, pure and simple. Alice in Wonderland, the Wizard of Oz, Cinderella, the Little is a trope that is as commonplace as it is timeless.

Pan's Labyrinth tells an intensely intimate and personal story: The monsters are nothing but a prop; the violence is only there to give context, not thrills. What part of this is supposed to translate to Pacific Rim?

Yes, yes, I'm aware that Hellboy is also a thing that he did. I suppose the skills implemented there would work better for a big, smash everything in sight movie. But that's just it: It's a big, smash everything in sight movie. Movies like that aren't known for quality, and the fact that Guillermo del Toro would take something like that on gives me the uneasy feeling that there's something else going on. Either he's done something terribly subversive with the script, or he was just brought on for his name-power - in either case, the results should be less than impressive.

Strangely, my friend and I did agree on one point: The fact that Pacific Rim had three scriptwriters working on it is a bad sign. Anything beyond two and the quality of a script typically takes a nose-dive. Too many cooks, as the saying goes.

Anyway, as is my custom I have no proper ending for this post. I just needed to put it up before the movie actually comes out so that I have proof of the fact that I told you so. If the movie turns out to be good, hey, the world will be better off for it. I can live with that.