Last night, as I played The Elder Scrolls Online, I decided to clear the last of the Striking Locales in Coldharbour. As I lurked in the shadows, waiting for a group of Daedroths to spawn, another player approached me and invited me to group. That's how I met Mr Titanium.
We slaughtered the Daedroths and went dungeon-delving together. As we chatted, I learned that he's been getting by on scavenged equipment. As is my custom when encountering less well-equipped adventurers, I offered to make him a custom set of armour. “It changes the game,” I told him.
And so we found ourselves at a crafting station. As I worked on the armour in the full light of day, Mr Titanium got his first good look at my character: A young, lithe Redguard woman with modest curves, mocha-coloured skin, and mid-back length, chestnut-coloured hair. As I turned to hand him his new armour, he said, “Whoa, you're hot.” “Thanks?” I replied, uncertainly.
I have spent the better part of the last 24 hours trying to comprehend and elucidate why Mr Titanium's perfectly innocent compliment just felt so damn creepy.
You can probably see where this is going, so I want to take a moment to say that this is not going to be a lecture. I am not an SJW – I don't even consider myself a feminist (although I am aggressively “progressive” on women's issues). I recognize that videogames are one of the few remaining places where guys are allowed to be guys, and I'm not particularly interested in changing that. This is just an examination of a situation in which I found myself that might be considered typical for a woman, but was alien to me.
It is, at this juncture, both unavoidable and irrelevant to talk about objectification. You see, when a person (any person – not just a woman) is viewed as an object, rather than as a person, they are being “objectified”. Focusing on someone's physical attributes, such as sexual desirability, to the exclusion of other attributes, is almost the definitive example of objectification.
However relevant the concept of objectification may seem to this discussion, it is ultimately rendered irrelevant by the fact that we are not talking about a person: We are talking about a videogame character. I designed her specifically to satisfy my own standards of beauty and desirability, and brought her into existence with the press of a button. The type of people with whom I usually play seem to regard her as nothing more than a somewhat ballistic bundle of combat calculus...which, I have to say, is a fair description of what she actually is.
So if it isn't wrong to objectify an object, why the h*ll was the comment so creepy?
At first, I thought that I was weirded out because of a sense of ownership. After all, I designed my character to be pleasing to my eye, not to the eyes of strangers. I thought that I would end up making a point about wanting to look good not equating to wanting attention, which is the standard feminist response to catcalling. But in my effort to write up a comprehensive analysis of my experience, I've spent the last couple of hours reading up on the psychology of player attachment to their avatars.
Have you heard of the Proteus effect? You probably have, even if you haven't heard the name before.
Proteus was the ancient Greek god of being a slacker. He was able to predict the future, but was so loath to putting in the effort that it required that he would change his form in order to avoid being captured and forced to deliver. And so it was that a god whose power was clairvoyance became associated with shape-shifting instead. (Gotta love those ancient Greek gods.)
The Proteus effect is the name for people's tendency to adjust their behaviours and attitudes based on their self-perception. While this sounds strange and counter-intuitive, study after study have found it to be true. People who force themselves to smile are happier. People who put on a uniform become more serious. There was even a study in which the subjects put on VR headsets, and were asked to inspect themselves in an in-game mirror; the subjects who had been randomly assigned more attractive avatars were more confident in dealing with the subsequent tasks than the subjects who had been assigned uglier avatars were.
So, after all of the hours that I've put into ESO, have I simply started thinking the way that my character would? Was I taken aback by the unsolicited sexual advances of a stranger because I had started thinking like a strong, independent woman?
...In all honestly, it's probably the thing that I said earlier: Wanting to look good does not equate to wanting attention. I made myself attractive because I wanted to be attractive, not so that other people could ogle me.
Yeah, I know that's an unsatisfying conclusion. I did my best to be thought-provoking. What more do you want from me? I need to get back to playing ESO instead of just writing about it. Thanks for reading.
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