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Pokemon Black

So I just recently beat Pokemon Black with the english translation. I do have some thoughts on the game that is way more different then the other pokemon games.

1) The story

They for once tried to make a good story out of a Pokemon game..... it did not go well. I admit it's nice but there is so much talking and I just don't really give a **** Story about Pokemon being slaves and all that crap. Sad part is that I side with the bad guys. We are enslaving them and beating the crap with them. But the stupid part is how the team would USE POKEMON AGAINST YOU! WTF!

2) The Design

The design in this game was really weird. There was some cool one but you can tell there was a lack of creativity in this game. It's no where near as bad as Sinnoh though. There are a lot of redesign that look like Pokemon from previous generation. There is even a pokemon that look like a fetus.......what?

3) The challenge

This game is surprisingly hard. The game made it so that there are more route inbetween citys and you wind up fighting trainers and slowly losing all your pokemon. There are a few doctor trainer which is new to the series. Where you fight and beat them and they heal your Pokemon. You can heal a bunch more time afterwards. So I do like the new sense of challenge in this game.

Well that is all I am willing to talk about in this game so far. I will write a review of this in the future but I am kind of busy lately. So someday.... *fly off with a Pigeon*