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gaming update - 23/08/2006

well its been a week snce my last update so heres my next one.

unfortunatly i havent been playing many games this week as ive been clearing out my room and trying to raise money for my monitor. but here is what i have been doing

with oblvivon i did 1 more quest last night and i am now !SPOLIER WARNING! ready to get the blood from the god (i just collected azuras star). !SPLOILER OVER! thats all ive done in oblivion this week.

i also remembered to attend the animal crossing fireworks show (i had to carry a note round wherever i went). it was pretty good and i also went to see K.K for the first time. apart from that i havent done much animal crossing

in brain age my brain age is 29 (i had it at 20 but decided i better do it again to monitor how im doing). i have missed like 7 days in total this month so i havent been doing very well

i have been feeling very guilty about shadow of the collossus. i have played it 3 times since i bought it and i really dont like it. im going to try and swap it for psychnaughts, god of war, oddworld strangers wrath or ff 10.

i went round to a friends yesterday and he had rented
LOTR: the third age. its basically a turn based
rpg but i thought it was really fun. we played co-op and we got 5% into the game in 2 hours. yay. its a long game you see.

ok thats it for this week but i have a question to ask in a later blog post so see ya till next time :D