KOTOR is one of the best RPG games I've ever played. I mean, it's RPGs and it's Star Wars and how awesome is that?
What irritates me is my inability to play a Dark Side Jedi. No matter how hard I try I can't bring myself to not play Light Side. It blows.
Another thing I hate is the dark/light points system, because you sometimes gain dark points for doing nothing particularly evil, and when you do a good thing you get no light points. You can get light points for charging into battle head-first swinging a lightsaber like a... thing.
Examples: In the forests on Kashyyyk, some Wookiee dude is in a fight with some soldiers. You're not informed of who is in the right, you don't know the situation, but somehow deciding to kill first and ask questions later gains you light points.
Similarly, on Manaan, you investigate a murder, and some of the witnesses are reluctant to tell the truth. Using your Force Persuade power to gain real evidence to defend an innocent man is somehow Dark? NO CHANCE LANCE.
Is it wrong of me to keep Bastila on my team and not give her any clothes or armor so she's a Jedi in her underwear?
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