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3 more weeks - FINISHED


I just got told a helluva bit of news. There is only about two weeks left until Thanksgiving. That makes for three weeks until the wife has to start popping Primrose to get her ready for labor....

Wow. Is it coming up on December already? Holy hell, it still feels like bloody September. The baby's due date is theoretically December 27th... but there's been so much confusion about when the conception date was, that it's hard to actually pinpoint one. We're expecting between the 17th and the 25th... Man, that'd be messed up if it was born on Xmas....

So that makes for about three weeks for me to do a crapload of things.

1) I have approximately three quizzes, 12 homeworks, 2 tests and a final exam I have to complete for my last BS class of school - FINALLY. But school is the easy part....

2) I have to move my daughter from her current bedroom, to my current den/office. That involves, painting the room, buying her her first twin bed, and of course bedding to go with it. Replacing the door (since it won't shut...), window casings, base molding, light and electrical fixtures. New blinds in the room (faux wood). Luckily I already installed the carpet, so I don't need to worry about that!!!

3) However, to do that, I have to put my puter, and desk downstairs in the basement. Which of course involves:
- tear up the carpet that's down there
- wallstone cracks in the wall and Drylok the walls to keep them from letting water through.
- rough paint the ceiling (michigan basement - too short to install a drop ceiling - so I'm just going to prime and paint the joists above.)
- frame in the outer walls, as well as a doorway leading to the laundry room, and a closet.
- install doors - one interior swing, and one set of bifold doors
- Insulate the walls - especially now that I bloody ripped out all of the friggin old knotty pine that was down there, and got rid of it - I can now insulate the walls and attempt to make it into a halfway warm living space...
- Drywall all the walls - with mudding and sanding and priming and oh my!
- floorstone the floors, and install carpet and padding in the main living space, as well as sheet vinyl in the laundry room, as well as vinyl tiles in the storage area.
- not to mention run new electrical wiring and connections throughout the entire area, making for plugs, switches, recessed lighting in the ceiling joists, and electrical for the storage area and new plugs for the laundry area... YAY!
- prime and paint to a color of my wife's selection...and all the trim work that goes along with it!!!

4) hmm.. amongst all this, I have to work to make money!!! (ah, all you folks who have mommy and daddy paying for your schooling, and your car(s), and your new things... y'all got it too easy!!!) Let's count:
- 2 jobs!!!!! First and foremost, the carryer of my benefits is of course the full time gig I have at (B)Lowe's....
- and second off I have more than three side jobs to complete (remember that 3000 dollar bill I had talked about in a previous blog???) - a small carpet repair, a 90 yard carpet job, and a 75 yard carpet job... and the list has been growing... of course, by my damn self!!! my brother in law is about as worthless as **** on a bull and the only other friend that lives around me, no longer exists - he's off driving a truck... and his old lady won't let him talk to me.... figures.

5) Oh yeah.. and there's all those leaves in the yard which I have to rake up... 9 month pregnant women don't do that!

6) Hmm.. Brakes on the car been a little squealy.. Gotta change them out again... (yes, I do it myself...)

7) Xmas shopping!?!? Oh holy hell!! The list grows!!!

Hmm. It is now November 7th... the day after I started this. We just went to the midwife. heh... the baby has engaged (it dropped head first into her uterus) and her uterine walls have started thinning out (effervescing - I think it's called.)

So now there's a new due date. Thanksgiving! *passes out*


Oh crap.. where was I?? Oh yeah. With this new information, it kind of steps up the time frame doesn't it? HA!!!

heh - both the wife are in a rather bad bit of shell shock - the whole pregnancy's been in question the whole time - we could never hammer down an exact due date, nor a conception date. With it being this close already - wow - that means she was four months pregnant; and didn't know it.

Oy.. till next time.