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A little late isn't it you idiot?

10:30 at night. In line at McDonalds because I was requested to pick up a Filet O Fish for a pregnant woman. In a good mood. Make the order, and pull around. And lo and behold what do I see?

I am watching a 2 to 3 month old baby, being lifted out of it's carseat, and being handed to a young girl (by young, I mean late teens, to early twenties). I am assuming the hander was the mother. The girl, was probably a friend or something. These folks were all white (in total, by the time I left, there were four of them, three females, and one male) Then the mother waddles her fat ass into the restaurant with another friend.

For starters, my first quandry is: What in the hell are you doing with your baby out at 10:30 at night? Being a father myself, I can understand the occasional late night drive, to help the baby sleep. But hanging out in a McDonald's parking lot? WTF?

The young friend, is holding the baby, and I end up noticing a male sitting in the driver's seat. The whole time, the girl, smartly enough, pulls a blanket out of the carseat, and wraps the baby in it. Points for the girl, for having the foresight to do that. But take those points away for the way the girl was talking. "You gonna be like daddy" (think ebonics slant here....) She was speaking, in what I like to call "Blackinese". You know, where all your friends are either "Girl" or "Homey" - but you and your friend are white. Y'all know what I'm talking about.

So apparently the male in the car seat is the father of said child. Now, for starters, why in the hell, did this **** decide to keep sitting in the damn car, NOT watching his kid. In my own experience, I trusted NOBODY when they were holding my kid - no matter the maternal or paternal instincts or experience of the holder. But yet, this jerkoff is sitting in the car, apparently waiting on fatass.

The entire time in line - about ten minutes, and then I finally see fatass waddle back out of the restaurant, with her friend behind her. Both of them hold no food, but each of them hold one drink cup.

You're kidding me, right? Nope. I'm not. One stinkin cup of Coke or something. Took em ten minutes to get, while daddy sits on his lazy ass in the car, and "girlfriend" is holding the kid.

For starters, this goes to show what the hell is wrong with kids today. You decide, "well, I'm going to go and hang out with my friends" and decide "Well, what the hell, I'll take my newborn with me." WTF. No matter what age you are, there are just certain times in which you shouldn't have a child outside the home. I can only see having a kid in your accompaniment if you are doing one of a few things:

1) Traversing either from or to a family member's house
2) Family emergency - (And not because your home-dawg Ned got into a fight with his girlfriend)
3) Traversing either from or to a babysitter's house.

Any other reason is just stupid. And what kind of father just sits on his ass while his kid is being held by his (or mama's) friend? Get your bi7ch ass outta the car! And Mama: What in the hell would take you so damn long to get a stinkin Coke????

I mean, WTF in general? What the hell is wrong with people - I just don't F'in get it... GAH!

I need a smoke......