All ranting aside, this time I thought I'd take me a little time to talk about me. I just got in from moving four contractor bags of debris from my basement tear-out that the bastard city neglected to take this morning (which is a whole other rant) back to my garage. And I realized something. It was actually hard to do that. Muscles were burning, back was hurting and hands were getting cramped from gripping garbage bag.
Interestingly enough I did it. But it seems as though my physical capabilities just aren't what they were ten years ago, when I was 19. How strange, what that getting older thing does to you.
When I was 19, I was laying carpet with another guy on a jobsite. I was skimming around the carpet on my knees without any pads, with no problem. Sweating a little bit, but not too much and banging that knee kicker like it was nobody's business.... Over the course of last summer (I was actually 28 at the time) I laid in the carpet in our family room, and hallway. It about damn near killed me!! I had to break into my wife's leftover supply of Vicadin, just to set the rug!!! My left knee (old accident injury) was hurting so damn bad, I could barely walk the next day.
I ask - WTF? Even at work - A long time ago, I could sling ceramic tile boxes like they were nothing - Carry two to three at a time (hell, when I would build a deck, I would carry two 80lb bags of concrete on each shoulder from the truck to where we were setting posts!) and now, when I have to re-stack a pallet of tile, I cringe - Because I know that I'll more than likely blow my back out again (which happened for the first time when I was 25 - and been happening since.)
Hell, even a box of wall tile is heavy to me nowadays!! I mean, really - What the hell? Am I starting to lose strength or what? GAH!
To give you all a little background information - I've been a powerlifter since I was 13 years old. I started lifting weights in my Dad's garage, on a religious basis - lift more, lift more, gain strength. And I got good at it. I scored my first job in the carpet industry when I was 15 years old - I was a stock guy for old New York Carpet World. And that was a golden opportunity to strength train - back then, there was rubber pad, hair pad, and foam pad that was damn near an inch thick - great for weight. Not to mention carrying carpet!!! What not a better strength trainer than a 30+ foot roll of Berber carpet! So I started carrying bigger and bigger rolls of carpet - At one time, I could carry a 80 ft roll of plush carpet from one end of the store to another.
Yeah - back when I was 15-19, I was king ****. I could lift up the ass end of a F-150, and so on. Hence my earning the nickname "Ox". I was a bull. Not anymore. Working for who I work for - I have hard time standing up a 15 ft roll of carpet, and even trying to shove it in a remnant rack. Yeesh.
My wife tells me it's because I blew myself out when I was earlier - created such back problems by doing what I did, that I'm feeling the consequences of it now. Let me tell you all - It does not feel good, at all! I'm 29 years old, and I hobble for a minute when I stand up, until the back gets used to having weight on it. I see a chiropractor - but I still can't help but wonder if I'm going to need surgery one day. The chiropractor helps, but it never fails, the next day - my back is back to hurting. Damn.
Shoulders, arms, hands - I've lost strength in them all. The mad bummer about is, is that I used to be able to crush a glass with my bare hand, back in my youth - can't even get it to crack nowadays.
And there's no bigger bummer than having consistent knee pain throughout the entire winter. When I was 16, just got the drivers license, and got rear ended by a dude going 35, and stopping by hitting me. My left knee got pushed into my old Chevy Berretta's driver side vent. I didn't even know it - until I looked at it a few days later, and saw the thing was shattered and the duct was cracked back about three inches.... Funny part is, is that my knee didn't hurt back then - I didn't start noticing it until my early twenties when it was cold, humid, or rainy. My left knee would start getting a shooting pain right in the middle of it.
I've been to doctors before for the knee pain, and they tell me it's just a flexibility issue because there's no deformities on my X-rays. So my bones are fine, but I have to stretch the knee. :roll:
Lest they forget, that scar tissue from the ligament tear or whatever happened back then, doesn't show up on X-ray (This is by another doctor, as well as my father-in-law chiropractor.) So it's one of those things that eventually, I may need Knee Replacement Surgery - who knows.
Damn - if I'm not in trouble. Well, they say live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse... That's the rate I'm at. Physically, I'm 29, but I friggin feel like I'm 45. I find myself telling people that there are things that I can't handle - which back then, I could do anything. *shakes head*
So, I had made a post before that said "I'm not as good as I once was..." Which I can't help but feel is entirely true. I know there's other things such as stress, physical, and emotional (which my world is upside down right now...) that effect the way a person's body reacts - but for God's sakes!!! I'm only 29!!!!! *shakes head*
Well hell.. Here it is 10:00 at night, and I'm delirous from sleep deprivation (I think....) so time for ol Tavi to hit the sack.
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