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Inglourious Blog

The Fortnightly Foresight of Inglourios # 3.

Howdy doody , Sorry to pull an ''Alice'' but even the rabbit was Late in telling me, I'm late ! hehe.
I'd like to start firstly by saying my long search is over !, it's like a huge weight has been lifted, some years ago , about 9 in fact I lent a game to a friend , as we worked in the same place I thought , ya know its cool because I see him everyday so I can badger him if he is late on the whole borrowing and giving back period. Anyway a little while later the factory closed and I never saw him again. ever since then that perticular loss has pained me ,because the game was a cult classic very unique and came around when the little grey dynamo was at its peak. So while I was away visiting my family , ' Hence why my blog is a little late ' we decided to go to a few sunday carboot sales and I noticed there was alot of people selling PS1 games, some were quite tatty and scratched. But while browsing I happened to mention about my sad loss all those years ago. Well , some magic fairy Godmother must have heard me because within a sea of old records , discarded toys and other usless rubbish was the prettiest site I had ever seen. Incase your wondering The Game was ''Heart of Darkness'' and to add more magic dust , it was brandnew, with the 3D glasses still intact ,not removed from their cardboard ,and the game had not even been played . I got it for a princely sum of £2 which I think is about $4 I feel like the luckiest man alive I thought I would never find it again especially not in that condition. Godbless idiots who dont realise what they have got because to be fair I would have paid alot more for it! Phew feel better for that I had to tell someone of like mind about my amazing find ! ' hehe I'm a poet and I don't know it '. The other thing I'm proud of is the massive amount of restraint I had over the weekend , as you all know ''Episodes from Liberty City'' is out on the PS3 at the end of the month Well my brother-inlaw has an Xbox 360 ''Groan'' with his own copy of the afformentioned game , he tried to get me to play it with him. I know most people would have , but Noooooooo ! I said I want to wait I don't want to see a anything of it until its released, and I can then experience it first hand , in all its glory .I know we all look at stuff ahead of a release , like vids and pics but this was the actual game . So in short I'm very proud of myself at the moment, but with an amazing find and my super willpower , its probably all down hill from here. Take care have fun ,and let your spirit soar !! Peace out xxx

The Fortnightly Foresight of Inglourios # 2.

Hi everyone, Here we are again another fortnight has passed, so here I am to dish out love and rants in equel measures.! Firstly this could be a rant but I'm not sure who it's aimed at though, anyhoo lets proceed ! Aliens versus predator is where I'm heading! , I have been looking forward to this since it was a twinkle in the developes eye, Now its out and its done pretty poor all round .Don't get me wrong I like to form my own opinions on games rather than just listen to what ''They '' say C'mon Gamespot is it that bad , OPM havent reviewed it yet but when ya read a review and its bad for a game you have relly yearned for it kinda puts me off getting it . If any body has bought this and is also fan of aliens and predator alike then maybe they can shed some light on the subject . Just feel I have had my dreams ruined ! '' DoH '' Right here is a bit of love , this is deffinitly an acuired taste so I don't mind it getting a low score ! '' fairytale fights '' what a laugh that is , I never expected so much blood ,I know its daft ,stupid not in the slightest bit serious,! But after playing the demo I think I will actually get this it's like an extreme version of '' Shrek '' we all have conversations like who would win in a fight between ......? Well ya get the idea . My other love is Mr Drake I'm on my second playthrough and I'm loving it even more, trophys keep popping for so many kills for this gun and such . Gotta love that nathan . Just hope Red Dead and Heavey Rain live up to there expectations or this could be a depressing few months , well for me anyway. Peace Out , xxxx

The Fortnightly Foresight of Inglourios # 1.

I thought I would start by saying it will rain quite heavy very very soon,this has to be one of the most innovotive titles ever made !.

Right lets get on with the blog,

What a year this is going to be ,for any fan, hopefuls, even contempery gamers this seems to be the year to game. !!!!!

There is more out this year , that makes peoples eyebrows stand up !!!!

To start off lets list them '' Heavy Rain '' RedDead '' Mafia 2 '' Liberty City Episodes (PS3 ) Harry potter Lego , (Who doesn't like Lego)But to name a few .

Theres is a few things that worry me Though !,

could there be a time when we don't care about all this , me even asking that begs a question !! We all like to look back back with our retro stuff ,But have you ever Thought What Happens When I'm 50 Will I Still Be Passiante About games as I Am NOW , .!!!

It's a sobering thought I know but It worried me a while back !!

That may-Be food for thought ,but what I say is imbrace your gaming self , let retro shine through and make sure your spirit never dies , Read My Blog and note I'll Keep Rocking ' till the Wheels fall off !!!!!!
