This vid actually brought tears to my eyes. Not only because I felt very connected to the video, having done a 'reverse Danny', moving from New York to Europe, but because this feels like the end of an era. Danny, you were the last bastion of the gamespot trinity for me. You, Jonneh and Cam&Seb were gamespot for me. I fear now this is over.
Thanks for all the joy you brought. Especially with Random Encounter. Wish you all the best, and will never forget this moment for the rest of my life: "Cop doesn't even care, look at 'em. He's like 'yeah, I love Toto too!' "
Danny watching prostitutes duke it out while listening to Toto
In Other, Other news, g2play is offering the game for €20,- (which is about 21-22 US Dollars). The price there fluctuates, as I bought mine a couple of days ago for €17
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