That's just what some games offer, as soon as you launch the games, it'll go down to whatever resolution they were developed in. Or stay in 1080 if that was what it was developed in.
Innocent_J's forum posts
It works the same... Other than that well... The slim doesn't have the super thick electricity cable with 3 pins anymore, now it uses the same cable as the PS2. You know, because the slim uses much less electricity than the fat PS3 but let me point out that it runs hotter for some reason.
Ah damn..
My PS3 is only 40GB though, do you know how many gigs the Slim is?
That's also another reason why I was considering..
Yeah I think that's a good deal.
I just hate buying stuff from people. I'd never actually do that, I'd much rather buying it from stores, even if the person is selling it new
I own both a Slim and 60GB, and tbh, other than size of the HDD, and the way each console looks, there really is no difference between the 2. Doolz2024
It's much lighter though right? That's what I care most about
I googled and came across this
And more specifically to those who had the original but traded for the original:
How is the Slim compared to the Original? I'm considering trading mine in, but then again I think the Original is a little sexier.
But how does it work? Apart from it being much lighter and smaller
It doesn't get cooler than black. You can't beat the shine black gives off after you polish your ps3, tell you how much you love it, unplug it and take it to its bed and tuck it can't do that with red or any other color!Ninja_Zombie83
Lmaoooooo -dead-
My friend gave me this universal component cable for 360, PS3, and Wii.
Before I had the PS3 and the Wii, The cable works perfectly for the ps3, but with the wii, the sound didn't work. The video was fine though.
Now I have the 360 and the sound won't work with the 360 either, but the video is fine.
So basically it works fine for the ps3. but the audio won't work for the 360.
I sold my Wii btw.
Help? Is it something I'm doing wrong? Or is it just the cable?
The game is only about 20 bucks.So you are not loosing that much.I say go for it.K1LLR3175
Yeah I think I will. I want to have both game in the series.
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