Hows life guys? Haven't checked in for a while, so got I stuff to say.
by InsaneMagnum on Comments
I've got a million unit tests and exams coming up and I have to die hard study for like two weeks. Its stupid.
Now its 6:33 am where I live and I really don't know why I'm posting a blog at this time, but I thought it would be a good idea just incase I'm not on later in the day. Ok, well yesterday at school we had a "Student of the Month" assembly in the gym instead of the auditorium. I thought that it was wierd, but than I expected something interesting in my school for once. Wrong again, it was drop dead boring. They called up the student of the months by grade level and class. I was exciting when they called up ME! Guess who came to ruin it all; Ms Irvine, my homeroom teacher. She came up and apoligized to the whole school because she said I didn't deserve this award due to my constant homework incompletes?! I only had two this whole year! God.
Today is going to be early release day at my school. I leave at about 11:28 am. Why so specific with the time you ask? Well, since I live in Ontario, all of the schools have a new addition to their time tables this year. Its known as DPA or Daily Physical Activity. Pfft, I work out already, who cares? This isn't physical at all, playing tag? Walking around the block? I felt like dropping out of high school the first time I participated in this.
Ok, I have to get ready for school and all so I'll see you guys later.
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