Hearing that there will be a sequel to Wild Lands really surprised me and made my gaming year. Cannot wait for this one! What is your most anticipated game of 2019?
Add Me On PS4 If You Plan On Getting This (Killah184)
Hearing that there will be a sequel to Wild Lands really surprised me and made my gaming year. Cannot wait for this one! What is your most anticipated game of 2019?
Add Me On PS4 If You Plan On Getting This (Killah184)
How is everyone, and what have you guys and gals been up to?
Going to stop when I hit level 100 (or at least slow down)
Walking Dead: The Fourth Chapter
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Collector's Edition)
Hitman 2 (Collector's Edition)
LEGO DC Villains
Spider Man
Battlefield V
Call of Duty: Black OPS 4
Spyro Collection Remastered
Red Faction: Guerrilla: ReMARStered Edition
Bought a new house
Rescued another cat
Cutting back on games
Kicked the trophy habit (finally)
How is everyone doing?
Also, I changed my avatar for the first time since 2011. Wow!
Hello all, I have created a group on Facebook for anyone who loves gaming. Doesn't matter if it's console, pc, handheld, or mobile gaming. Everyone is equal. There is no "master race." Trying to get a larger group of people. If anyone has Facebook, you can search the group. It's called Stephen's Gaming Hangout. Please do your best to keep it clean. Trying to make it friendly for every one. Thanks guys!
Also, I wish we would move on. Quit developing for old tech!
Right now I'm playing PS4 and switching back and forth between Guns Up, Hitman, and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Zombies is a blast! If anyone is playing any of these games or remembers me from back in the day send me a friend request (Killah184) - I've had some issues with my account, but shouldn't have any issues anymore. Thankful for the 2 step verification!
I really miss the interaction with fellow gamers, I am going to make an attempt to come back and hang out. IGN and their off the wall website isn't cutting it for me.
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