Those of you that read my blog on here and own a 360, I need your help with something.
Due to good fortune with this tax season, it will be enough to add another console to my arsenal of gaming and gaming career: the Xbox360. Does this mean I will favor it more than the PS3? No. It just means I want to live up to the definition of being a true gamer with having all consoles and enjoying them equally for what they all have. The 360 I'm going to give another chance. I couldn't do it before since the last one belonged to my ex and, well...yeah, I won't even go there. This time, the console is fully mine (hopefully I will not encounter the RROD), and even give the online option a chance, even though I cringe at the thought of having to pay monthly for online play.
Here is what I need your help with: games to choose as my weapons. The one I'm going for, of course, is the Elite, everything bought at once (any extra controllers, the wireless adaptor, etc.) and I'm looking to get some games. I had heard rumor that Fable 2 has online capability, but its only one other person that can join you. I still live and breathe RPGs, so I'm looking for some good ones. Anyone of the Temple, I'll need some help at least pointing me to the right thread with good recommendations. If anyone wants to throw shooters in the list for me, by all means do. I'll give them a chance, but I warn anyone who plays with me on shooters: I suck. LMAO.
Oh, side note. Under no circumstances will I get the Call of Duty series for my consoles. I'm sorry, but no. lol. So that suggestion is out. :-P
Anyway, its time for me to go. Either good threads to look at or any games off the top of your head that you can think of thats good, by all means, I'm up for any and all suggestions. Thanks!
Integra Belladonna