yes, I say near electric shock. lol. this happened a couple of weeks ago, but I'm just now getting around to posting about it. :P work has been a serious pain.
I had just gotten out of work and catching a ride home. my ride's car wouldn't start up and was determined they needed a jump start. a coworker was just leaving but we caught them and asked for some help. first set of jumper cables my ride had for their car had torn apart real quickly to where it wasn't helping their car. after getting some jumper cables from the security office at the building, we hooked up the cars, and jump started it rather nicely. I had unhooked one of the cars, while the other ones were still attached to my ride's car. yes, I know, dumb act on my part. the two ends from the one I had dismantled had touched each other and huge sparks flew from them, almost catching me in the process. I thought it was funny as hell while everyone else was scared to death. the only reason why I found humor in it was due to a morbid thought I have in my mind for many years. not something I'd rather get into since it could cause a whole lot of mess and explaining that I really don't want to get into. nonetheless, I was alive, and we got the cables back to security and headed home.
that was my adventure for the evening. when I got home, I told some people about it and they all had the same reaction: fear and baffled by the fact that I would find amusement in it. like I said, my own disturbed mind found it amusing. other than that, no real big event. I didn't die, so there.
as far as my life goes, I've been okay. just dealing with the stresses of life and having to plan more things to make sure things are stable. however, there are always things that will try to make it unpleasant for you or don't grasp the concept that things will pervail in the end, no matter the outcome. I have to keep that mindset going otherwise I lose my mind. almost have during the past 2 weeks, but you know what? its just how it is. its the most I can do but stay alive in my dead world.
*sits back, relaxing* finished playing WoW not too long ago. night elf is at level 14 now. took me a while since with the stress and all I hadn't really had too much time to play WoW or any of my other games for that matter. eh, I'll have a vacation to make that up for. *grins*
until next time... *bows*