not that they would care anyway, but I'm just now finding the words to express the disappointment I have towards them. I had heard about what was going on with the two most anticipated Final Fantasy games: FFXIII & FFvsXIII. that they were also going the route of Xbox360. what a stab in the back to have it no longer be a PS3 exclusive. call me a Sony fangirl all you want, but I just do not like the Xbox360. I don't.
I was thinking, for a small moment, about getting the Xbox360 because of the fact of all the RPGs that were coming out for it. but I had faith in the fact that FF would continue to bring more entertainment for the PS3 with these highly anticipated games, games I had heard about a year or 2 ago. hearing of all that they were going to do with the PS3, making it the most beautiful game probably of all PS3 games to date when it came time for release. also use the technology that is in the PS3 to prove its power. now... what's the point? what truly is the point of it now? now its just another game. its painful for me to say that since I'm a Final Fantasy fan, but... this is what it has come to. I mean... why do this? why promise something in collaboration with a system, and yet do something else entirely different? I'm almost of the conclusion that the technology behind the PS3 is so "complex" to other companies that its why they don't have many games available for the PS3. as far as the RPGs go.
its with painful regret that any hope I have for Final Fantasy is dead. the games that I have... I'll still love to death. but Final Fantasy XIII... I no longer have interest in. not one single bit whatsoever. Nintendo... I don't bash because thats where it all started for Final Fantasy. its nostalgic. Playstation enhanced it. now the hype with this game is dead, all because they let Microsoft sweet talk them into making the game available for them. Konami didn't cave into the pressure for Metal Gear Solid 4. why did Square?
Square, I have lost faith in you. not that you care since you're going to be getting all your money for this anyway. you're sure as hell not getting any money from me when your games come out. if its DS, then thats one thing. PS2, I'll still get since I have to find the ones I love and have loved for so long. but XIII... nope. you've just lost my business from here on in with any games you make in the future.