It comes swiftly and leaves just quick enough for me toforget my mistakes. I'm talking about borrowing games to that one friend who always seems to return your games in horrable condition. Most people know that one person the kind of gamer who after playing a game takes out the disc and throws it on the floor or stacks on top of the other junk laying around his house. Now some people might be able to just throw sixty dollars in the trash but I can't.
In my case it was a ninty dollar game that has no use now,the game was Guitar Hero 2. I had the game for two weeks when he came over to check it out and after a few songs he asked if he could borrow it, and I say"hey why not, just have it back to me in a few days". Well I quess a few days meant 3 weeks kind of weird how that works out. Normaly it would be a relief when I get a game back from a friend but in this case the disc was cracked and thestrum button on the guitar was hanging limp. This made problemsfrom the get go I would get the start menu and it would be constantly scrolling unlessIhold the strum button in the center position. Alright after much frustration I finally start up a song and fail it in a matter of seconds because the game thinksi'm hitting the strum key. This brings me the disease that is Chopping. Choppers are people who use way to much force on the strum button.
I only hope i've learned my lesson.