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InvisiblyClear Blog

Blog Suspension

For the 0's of you reading this, I'm suspending the blog indefinitely. High School is kicking my free time's ass, so between studying and going to school, I have less than an hour a day for free time. Sorry.


Pancake Puppy

Okay, so this morning, I'm eating these really crappy pancakes. My dog looks at me and barks. I know he just wants my food, so I ignore him. He starts biting my leg. Not hard, just knawing on it, like a rat. When I cut off another piece, he bites my leg as hard as possible. I shriek and drop my fork. He eats my pancake and throws up on the kitchen floor. FML

Rome: Total War 270BC-266BC

Ave! I will be using the Julii Romans in this playthrough. Summer-270: Flavius Julius and his son, Vibius, are tasked to capture Segesta. They and their armies depart immediately. In addition, trade is allowed between Gaul and the Julii. Winter-270: War! The first war that the Romans have yet been apart of is between the Scipii and the Greek City-States. Flavius Julius and his son confront the rebel slaves inside of the village Segesta. After tentative skirmishing on both sides, Flavius leads an all out cavalry charge, routing the rebels and bringing the conflict to an end. This is the first taste of combat Flavius has encountered, but it won't be the last. Summer-269: Flavius Julius is tasked with attacking the Carthaginian town of Caralis in Sardinia. Fearing he doesn't have enough soldiers for an immediate assauly, he sends Vibius to scout for mercenaries in the countryside surrounding Segesta. Winter-269: Fadia, daughter of Flavius, is married to Gnaeus Caccus. Vibius Julius returns from his expeditions empty-handed. Discouraged, Flavius decides to depart for Sardinia despite his worries. He appoints his son governer of Segesta and gives him a small command of militiamen Summer-268: Apollonia is taken by Aulus Brutus of the Brutii. Flavius continues his voyage to Sardinia. Winter-268: Flavius arrives in Sardinia and Caralis and immediately lays seige to the city. Summer-267: Amulius Julius comes of age. The Scipii, Brutii, and Senatus Populusque Romanus declare war on Carthage. Winter-267: Amulius Julius marries Helena. Caralis is out of food at last, and finally surrenders after a year-and-a-half long seige. Summer-266: Vibius is assigned Quaestor of the Senate. Winter-266: Admiral Oppius is attacked by pirates but manages to survive. Check back next time, where I declare war on Gaul...

Rome: Total War Introduction

Hello, you happy tasty morsel. I hope all is well with you. Here in Chi-Town, we're still up to our knees in snow. But hey, what are ya gonna do? So anyway, after getting RTW, an amazing RTS/TBS similar to both Command&Conquer and Civilization, two years ago, I played it religiously for a full year. That was just the campaign, and you can see that I'm not all that great just from the time it took me to complete that. Losing interest in multiplayer after a few months, I quickly moved on to different things. However, I decided that I would break out Rome and play a grand campaign once again. I'll post updates to every five years of game time (ten turns) and narrate it as if it were an epic poem. Not really, I'll probably just do a simple list. Goodbye, Mr(s). Morsel, Invisible

Snowed In

I love Chicago. I really do. It's a wonderful place to live, and the people here don't push nearly as much as New Yorkers. However, I do hate one thing-- the damn cold winters! For those of you not in the know, Chicago has had about two feet of snow, and I can't leave my house. I've tried. I actually can't. It's impossible. I think this broke some kind of record, or at least came close. My snow-loving-son-of-a-b**** dog probably has the smallest bladder I've ever seen, and I've taken him out at least six times in the last five hours. But hey, at least we get two snow days in a row. Yes, I'm a high school student. Nice to meet you too. So, to wrap this up, I'm cold as hell and my dog is barking at me. Did I mention I'm home alone? For three hours. My parents and sister (one year my senior) went to visit my grandmother, so I'm stuck here. With the dog. Just shoot me now. KTHXBAI, Invisible

Random Obversation 1

My rank is "Player"? Seriously? I'm not sure to feel flattered ("look at dat playa ova dere") or offended (by the general lameness of the word itself.) Also, I will refer to my self as "Invisible" most of the time. It's just easier. Adios, Invisible

Finally Joined

Ahh, procrastination. Where would I be without it? I would have gained hours of sleep otherwise lost, actually gotten good grades, and might have found a girlfriend... But here we are, and I procrastinated on what should have been easy- joining Gamespot. "Why," you may ask, "did you procrastinate? Was it because you were loyal to IGN, or because you were far too busy with your extremely interesting personal life?" No. It's because I was lazy, and always will be lazy. But whatever, here I am. And I have some ideas for this blog. I got Rome: Total War campaign blogs in my mind, possible reviews, probable observations on things you may think about every day... or not. Still, it's nice to finally be a member.