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Rome: Total War 270BC-266BC

Ave! I will be using the Julii Romans in this playthrough. Summer-270: Flavius Julius and his son, Vibius, are tasked to capture Segesta. They and their armies depart immediately. In addition, trade is allowed between Gaul and the Julii. Winter-270: War! The first war that the Romans have yet been apart of is between the Scipii and the Greek City-States. Flavius Julius and his son confront the rebel slaves inside of the village Segesta. After tentative skirmishing on both sides, Flavius leads an all out cavalry charge, routing the rebels and bringing the conflict to an end. This is the first taste of combat Flavius has encountered, but it won't be the last. Summer-269: Flavius Julius is tasked with attacking the Carthaginian town of Caralis in Sardinia. Fearing he doesn't have enough soldiers for an immediate assauly, he sends Vibius to scout for mercenaries in the countryside surrounding Segesta. Winter-269: Fadia, daughter of Flavius, is married to Gnaeus Caccus. Vibius Julius returns from his expeditions empty-handed. Discouraged, Flavius decides to depart for Sardinia despite his worries. He appoints his son governer of Segesta and gives him a small command of militiamen Summer-268: Apollonia is taken by Aulus Brutus of the Brutii. Flavius continues his voyage to Sardinia. Winter-268: Flavius arrives in Sardinia and Caralis and immediately lays seige to the city. Summer-267: Amulius Julius comes of age. The Scipii, Brutii, and Senatus Populusque Romanus declare war on Carthage. Winter-267: Amulius Julius marries Helena. Caralis is out of food at last, and finally surrenders after a year-and-a-half long seige. Summer-266: Vibius is assigned Quaestor of the Senate. Winter-266: Admiral Oppius is attacked by pirates but manages to survive. Check back next time, where I declare war on Gaul...