What I was talking about?...
Erm, I'm on a new account. I am sick of the Viennoiserie one. Don't like this anymore. In only month, it's been like years... I think I jumped the gun a bit when I prmoised that I will change something about the way I spend time on GameSpot, but I failed. Needless to say, the fact that I got another mark in my moderation history for a smiley that could have been interpreted as trolling wasn't the thing that fueled my intention. No...
If only we would have been able to change our screen names like back in the day... But no, all we can do is create a new account and wait few days just to get to level 3 to be able to port my reviews and images from the old account...
...But all of these do not matter. In fact, I could say that I've learned more from these account changes than what I've learned last year...
Let's not make it a tragedy. After all, I'm just like any regular teenager, in an identity crysis...
What I'm trying to say now is that I'm celebrating something today. Because today is my "nameday" (or whatever you name it), but because on 7 April it's my dad's birthday and my birthday is on 11, instead of making 3 parties, we are making one TODAY on the holy day of April Fools Day!...
YAY for me!...
*insert cake pic here*