There are so many games I want to play, but here are my top 5(note, they are already released, so it won't be any new games like Last Remnant).
5. Xenogears
It's a really good game. It is very philosophical and has great cast of characters. It even got a prequel(Xenosaga). I wish they would remake this, but Monolith left Squaresoft, so I don't see it happening soon.
4. Valkyrie Profile
For some reason it caught my eye, when I heard that it has more than 7 different endings. I know it's remade for the PSP, but I don't have one and I'm not really planning on getting one. I wish that they remaded this one the PS2, it would be cool.
3. Drakengard
This is one of Squaresoft's rated M games. I didn't mis-type, it is rated M. One of the only things I know about it is, that a few people male deals with these dragons and give up something to them(like the main character gives up his voice), and the dragons are bound to them. You can make deals with more than one dragon, but you have to give up something. I would give up my voice too, it seems the easiest to give up.
2. Chrono Cross
One of the best PS games made. It's not a direct sequel to Chrono Trigger, but it has a few references to it. I really wanted to play this game, which is why I wish that I could control time. I would go back in time and get this game. It has a very interesting twist, which I won't tell you so I won't spoil your fun if you're playing it.
If I could go back in time to get that game I would go back further to get this game.
1. Chrono Trigger
The greatest game ever created(it was actually branded that). Chrono trigger was made by the same guy doing Blue Dragon(Hironbou Sakaguichi). I really want to get this game, and I really wish that SE remade this for the GBA. It would actually increase the sales of the GBA now. I know that this game has 15 different endings depending on which worlds you visit, and the outcome of the final battle(if the main character, Chrono, dies, then your ending will change to where he looks likes he's dead, but isn't). You travel through time, so you actually see the changes of the worlds during the years(example, you go to a mid-evil time wolrld, and when you come back after a long time, it would be a 20th century world. The change takes place slowly, but you see it). The music is by Uematsu and the artwork is by Akira Toriyama(the guy who created Dragonball, and DBZ). I can't believe that all this is in a NES game(the pic on the left that has the PS logo is the remake)! I really need to get this game if it's the last thing I do. I might have to buy a NES, because the PS version has slow loading times. I see why it's the greatest game ever! [/spoiler]
Here are some new videos I found on Youtube. They are pretty good. Tell me what you think of them.
Riot (I really like this one).
Also, I was going to have a new banner made by Ninjablade, but it was too big(darn GS's banner size). It was a good banner, and I would gladly like to give the credit to Ninjablade:D