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Even more new games!

I just thought my PSP wasn't getting enough love, so I bought several games that I wanted, but did not buy at release(I rarely buya handheld game at launch unless it has much hype behind it like the upcoming Dissidia Final Fantasy). The new games are:




that's not all..................

First Departure

I have only played Tekken and Valkyrie Profile, and I enjoy both games. I will begin First Departure after I finish Lenneth once(it has multiple playthroughs). My impression on Lenneth will be in the next blog.:)

Now I have not forgotten about the Dragon Quest IV impression, so here it is.

It is good.

Kidding. What if all reviewers did that?:lol:

The game is enjoyable if you like old-school JRPGs. "I like FFIV/V/VI, will I enjoy it?" I don't know. The Final Fantasy series progressed over its 20 year course, but the Dragon Quest series has not. The gameplayhas beenthe same since it started in the mid 1980s(?) and that is the formula they are going stick with, so if you liked the gameplay of FF1, then you may enjoy DQIV. The main thing is if you enjoyed Blue Dragon's gameplay, then you will enjoy this game.

The story starts off different than most JRPGs. It is divided into chapters, similar to a book(there is a prologue, chs, and an epilogue). Each chapter contains a new protagonist for the player to use. Think of how Heroes season 1was structured. The protagonists were all separated, and came together to defeat the antagonist. The difference is that the game does not end when the protagonists unite.

One thing that was fascinating was that the game has some slow framerate at times. Yeah, framerate issues on a DS game! It's true. When I went into this one town, the framerate slowed how dramatically. I could still move, but it was like the character was tip-toeing. SE just put too many NPCs on screen at once. It's not too bad or annoying, but interesting in a way that I did not know that is possible with a DS game.

Overall, I would recommend this game for people who enjoy JRPGs, old-school RPGs, or Square-Enix games.