Showing you what you want to see:)
That was part of the song Eternity, the boss song from Blue Dragon:) Yes, I finally started it, and I have to say that the game is good:D The story is not as heavy as a FF game, but it is pretty heavy and mature. Maro is annoying(his voice is), but it's 30x better than his Japanese voice(trust me, it's a lot better). I might make a review of it in a few weeks, but I might be busy.
Today I learned how to drive. It wasn't as hard as i thought it would be. I never jerked the car, and I never hit anything:) Narrow turns are my weak point, but I can fix it:D
Anyways, here are the next 3 in the 15 greatest battles:D
12. Jin vs margulis(Xenosaga Ep2)
It's pretty good. i always like a sword battle:D The thing is, it goes a little too slow for a videogame fight, and there is a lot of dialogue.
11. Riku vs Roxas
Surprised eh? Well it is a good fight. It is very acrobatic and interesting for a KH cutscene. They do talk a little more than necessary, and the attacks are spaced out. An alright fight overall.
10. Raiden vs Snake
I just saw this today, and I quickly added it to my list. It is fierce, and i do like the transitions between the slow-mo and the fast pace. I wish it was longer though.
Well what do you guys think about this list?
Didn't expect to see a non-RPG up there, huh Atillite?;)