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Just cue the March

Here are the answers to the quiz from the previous blog:

1. What game got me into Gaming?

Answer: Final Fantasy X

2. What game do I think is the most overrated game?

Answer: Halo

3. Who was the first person to be on my friends list when I started GS?

Answer: Lvin5992

4. How did I get Chrono Trigger?

Answer: D (I can't say it on GS, but it starts with an e)

5. What celebrity did I have a crush on?

Answer: D Hayden Panettiere. If any of you guys chose C, leave and go buy Unlimited SaGa.:lol: :lol: JK guys. Don't do it.

6. What is my favorite Xbox game?

Answer: B. Star Wars: KOTOR

7. What are my 3 favorite animes? **I meant totype are, but I messed up**

Answer: C. Death Note, Code Geass, and Bleach

8. In an alptitude test I took at school, which career did it say that I would be best in?

Answer: A. Statistician

9. Who is my favorite guitarist who inspired me to play the guitar?

Answer: B. Eric Johnson

10. What was my first union to join?

Answer: A. SE and Mistwalker Union


1.??? (real name)



4.your girlfriend (I wonder who this is? Seriously, I'm single).


6. DD


8. ?(real name)


10. Lady Bahamut

11. Mazzy

I wonder who the questionmarked people are along with the #4 person. I guess some things are better left in the dark.:P

With that being done, I have started working on Reaper. If you don't remember it, follow this link to it. The characters are fleshed out pretty well and some spells have been made. The leveling system is killing me though. Man, it's hard to think about how it should be. I have how the whole series will begin and end too. If it was developed now, it would be for the PSP.

The other game idea I had was created before Reaper, but it went all over the place, so I had to remove some things I found irrelevant. It's title so far is "Crisis", but it would remind you of FFVII a little bit.

The newest game idea I have been working on is further than both previous games. I'm still deciding on the name for it, but here's a vid that will help you get an idea for the game.


Here are 5 things about it.

1. Can join the Rebels or the Empire, but not both at once.

2. You can create your character like in Oblivion, but they have to be living organisms. No droids.

3. Gameplay is similar to Mass Effect in a way.

4. The main character's last name is Cero. You can create their first name, but the last name will always be Cero.

5. Spans from months after Ep 3 throughout 4 to Ep 5.

Now for the Rock song tourney!

If you have forgotten the previous winning songs, they are

[spoiler] 3s and 7s by Queens of the Stone Age and Stricken by Disturbed. [/spoiler]

NOTE: No pics this time. Takes up too much loading time.

Nightmare- Varuna


Animetal- A Cruel Angel's Thesis

In my opinion, this is a tough choice.

EDIT: I fixed the link to the first song.