I finally made another update. Now to answer the question plaguing everyone that saw my Best Games of 07.
"Why don't you put The Orange Box in the 360?"
I seriously considered this game and a few others like GH(guitar hero) and RB(rock band), but the reason is that they are multiplatform. I was about to put The Orange Box in for the 360, but I remembered my rule for make the activity: Multiplatfrom games are banned from it. If I put The Orange Box for the 360, I would have to put it in for the PS3, which having it for one system would not be fair. This is why Assassin's Creed wasn't in there either.
In other news, I am in the second semester now, and a few of my courses changed.
Instead of study hall, I now have Intro to business
and instead of Business Law, I now have Driver's Ed(Woohoo!!). Both of those courses are one semester, which is why they ended. We haven't started a lot of work yet, but we will. My Intro to business teacher said that we won't have homework, ever! My favorite course now;)
Now for my Top 5 annoyances in the Gaming Industry(it was suppose to be 10, but I made it shorter).
5. Graphic Obsessions
I know the defense for this one- "We should have good graphics,since we are paying $60 for a next-gen game." I understand what they are saying, but deciding not to buy a game because of how it looks is plain rediculous. I'e talked to people who won't play a game like FF6 because it doesn't look good. THE GAME HAS BEEN OUT FOR MORE THAN 10 YEARS! Do you expect a game that was released more than a decade ago to look like a game on the PS3? Even Final Fantasy 7, which had great graphics for its time doesn't look good now. If you don't like the type of the game, I can see why one would avoid a game, but only because of the graphics is just pointless in my opinion.
There are 4 more left. After that, I will post my story(Greek Mythology story).