Before I get into the new item, I need to tell you something funny at gamestop.
When I used to go to my local Gamestop every weekend, they had a great group of guys working there. They told you the truth about games, give you their opinions on the games and the gaming industry(that was when they talked to me), even if you wouldn't buy anything, they still gave you the best service they possibly can. I always chatted with Matt, one of the emplyees who was the main decider on who they hire. We would talk all about games and which ones I should and shouldn't buy. Eventually, when I went there, they all knew me by name and said hi when I came there. It was really cool, and I asked him a few times how old you can be to get a job there. He told me 16(I just turned 15 at the time), so I couldn't work, but they always told me if they have an opening(at the time they didn't), but he told me that they would by the time I turn 16.
Eventually, Matt told me that he was going to work at the Apple store now at this other mall, which is cool. He told the manager and the assistant manager that when I become 15, they will hire me(no typo, he said 15). Unfortunately, after Matt left, they all started leaving(even the new people where gone). At the Gamestop now is a group of people who don't care about anything, but getting paid. Here's what happened 2 months ago.
I went to Gamestop and asked if you can use your GH1 controller for GH3. The guy(remember this is a new set of people) says no, and that I have to pay another $70. I told him that Red Octane stated that you can use your old guitar controller for GH3. He said that using the old GH controllers weren't working in the beta of the game. The next day, Red octane told GS that you CAN use your old controllers for GH3. I didn't even want to tell the guy that, because I would be showing him up, but I think it was cheap to try to make an extra buck, and mis-informing a consumer, which is bad for business.
This one just happened yesterday.
I went there to trade in some games I barely played.
Pokemon Diamond
Final Fantasy VI
Dirge of Cerberus
Final Fantasy 3(DS)
Megaman Battle Network 3: White
Gameboy Color system
The new group from the last event wasn't there. I went in and told them I wanted to trade in a few things. I gave them the games, and while they were teaching the new guy how to work things on their comp, he looked at my games and said, "so many FFs", in a way that was an insult. if you looked in his eyes, you could see that he meant to say, "so many FFs, get a real life and play a game like Halo or Gears instead of this crap."
NOTE: I am NOT insulting Halo fans or the series. I am not insulting Gears(which I need to get). I am also NOT insulting FF. You guys know I like FF.
I looked at him straight in the eyes and said, "yeah", but I gave the look that said, "yeah I play them, so instead of looking at me, why don't get off your imaginary high-horse, learn to work the comp, and give me my **********ing store credit, you hardcore gamer wannabe!" Let's say that he didn't talk for the rest of the time I was there. The assistant-manager(after this, I'm going to refer to her as AM) told me that they don't take the Megaman game, and I looked like "WTF?!", but I just said ok, and moved on. she then said that they can't take the GBC, and I said "really?!" The AM asked the manager what to do(some expert she is:roll: ) and the manager just asked her if she put it under systems. She had the dumbest look on her face, and was silent for most of the time, unless she had to talk to me to ask me some questions.
She was about to give me another EDGE card, but I told her to put it on my EDGE card I already have, and she did it. I got $67.50 from the trade ins and I'm going to save it for Lost Odyssey.
I then asked the AM if there was a job opening, and she paused for 3 seconds and said that she didn't know. i just took my credit and got out of there.
I told you all of this because i wanted you all to notice how the quality of Gamestop has changed. As a gamer, I was very disappointed with the service of the Gamestop now. I liked the old Gamestop, where they will tell you things in depth and help you out instead of just ignoring you until you have to get their attention(the AM actually passed in front of me before I could trade anything in).
Moving on, I went to Wal-Mart and I asked this employee about this media thing for the DS. We got into a big coversation about it and if it would work on my comp(Windows 2000 Pro), and he said it depends on the card reader, which the media thingcan run on 2000:D He was really helpful, so I asked him if I could buy it, which I did:) Here's what it is
Think if it as a media player that turns your DS into an Ipod:D All I need for it to work is a Compact flashcard, which costs around $50-$100:shock: I'll get it though:)
My birthday is in 9 days!!