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New Video(FINALLY!!) and an update.

This is a new video that it took me a week to upload because it kept canceling out, but now it's uploaded. This song, Rewrite, was the latest opening for Full Metal Alchemist before it was canceled in Japan and the US. I just put this song on my Itunes recently, and I think this song should be in GH3, when you hear it, you'll agree.

The update is I BEAT GRAW!!!! Yay! It was a great game, and I was going to trade it in, but I changed my mind after I played the first 30 minutes of it. I also made two new reviews all of you should check out, one is the review on GRAW, and the other is on Advance Wars: Dual Strike. Check them out and PM me telling what you think about it.

Anyways, check out Rewrite and comment on what you think about it. Thanks.
