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The final Game Annoyance!

It's finally here, but first, an update on me.

As we all know, it's only a few days until the release of Super Smash Brothers Brawl. My friends and I were going to enter the SSBB tournament all the Gamestops are going to have, but the main problem is that it's exactly when the game is released, at midnight. I think that's a bad move to do. You would get more people at the tourney if it was in the day or later on in the evening. the second problem was that it's on Sunday, and I have school the next day, so i have to get sleep. I can't take off school because I have been absent for a few times before because I was really sick. I have 3 absences left, and I don't want to use them.

To anyone going to enter, good luck! And play for your friend Ipod.:D

In other gaming news, I am almost done with Final Fantasy IX. I'm at

[spoiler] nearly the end of the 3rd disc. We found Hilda, Cid's wife and she transformed him back into a human. Now they are all going to take on Kuja. [/spoiler]

And now for the gaming annoyance #1!

1. Console War

While yes, this promotes competition between publishers of consoles, this has been tearing the gaming community apart. The conflicts have become more intense than the Witch-hunts back in the old days, and I'm not exaggerating. I've seen a PS3 fan agreeing with a 360 fan, just to get harassed by 3 other 360 fans, including the one who the guy agreed upon. Now Sony fans might be agreeing with this, but you guys are in the same boat. In every debate-turn-war,you guys keep bringing up the RROD(Red ring of death), when you guys were talking about which console has good games for that person who made the topic. The Nintendo fans aren't as bad compared to the other two, but when it comes to the DS, you guys go berserk when it goes against the PSP(not all, but most).

Major gaming sites have even contributed to it. GS made a thread for it, and the only thing oyu can do on it is act like a wild fanboy. If you post even the littlest post that's intelligent, you will get banned, but if you make a thread that says a certain console is bad and that another console is better, you don't get moderated. If that's not promoting rashness and ignorance over intelligence then I don't know what I'm talking about:P I think we're all at fault on this one. What about you Ipod? Me too, I'm at fault too, maybe even more than all of you, because I have participated in it(not the GS threads, but on Gamefaqs in some threads), luckily, I caught myself before it was too late. Can others? Yeah, i think they can. We need to end this before it becomes even more out of control.

Now that I got that off my chest, now is time for a video. This is a song that's on Rock Band as DLC. It's Buddy Holly by Weezer(for those GH fans, Weezer made My Name is Jonas). The video uses the set of Happy Days. I don't think most of the younger generation will really know of that TV series, but the older generation will. For those of you that don't know much about it, that's where the Fonz and the "Ayyyy" came from.

What Weezer did was spliced themselves into an episode of it with them playing their song. It's a good song and a funny video. Here it is.

Weezer- Buddy Holly

Now I have a question for you guys.

If you had to eliminate(and I mean like Assassin's Creed eliminate) a band, who would it be?

For me, Jonas Brothers. they get on my last nerve.