As we all know, today is Valentine's day, the day where you give your love ones a gift(mostly roses or chocolates). The irony is that it was a bad day for me today.
First, I messed up my Biology project, which took awhile to do. No one I talked to understood how to do it, and when I asked the teacher, he wasn't much help either:? I then nearly forgot to do another part in it, so I had to really rush to do it during my 2 c. lasses before it. I narrowly completed it, but I then found out that I messed up something on the other part of the project!:? I just decided that after this test we will have next week, if I do good on it, I'll stay in the honors c. lass, but if I don't, I'm transferring out. Heck, I might do it Monday.
The good thing is that my school has tomorrow off:D Staff development day:D
I read the Lost Odyssey review yesterday. The bad things were mostly technical issues. I can understand that, but now I heard that the online gaming news sites got one like a demo(not exactly, but this is just a simplified version of what it is), so the loading times might not be that bad. Another one was because of the gameplay. What part of JRPG does Kevin not understand? You don't play a JRPG for gameplay, but for the story. Did he expect you to use your GH3 guitar controller in battles?:P I mean, that's what he's implying in the review. Sakaguchi's an old school JRPG designer, which is what I base my gaming concepts on(they are modern concepts, but I use the old JRPGs as a reference).
I wonder, if FFXIII uses(they're not though, but this is a what if) an old-school turn-based system like they use to, if Kevin would give them a 7.5? Ha! I highly doubt it, he would give it a 9.
A good thing is that I gave out some info to Full Sail Institute(they are like DiGi Pen, a gaming college) a few days ago, and they sent me a college pack, containing things that are in the college. Kinda like a brochure. I think I'm going to get one form DiGi Pen too.
The top gaming annoyances will continue next week, but I will leave you with a great video.
This is a video that I didn't find, but my friend Shewolf found to show me some songs I might like and use as a basis for my guitar playing. Thanks for the vid Shewolf!:D
This is by the band Disturbed. The original is by Genesis, whichthe singer was Phil Collins. Personally, I like Disturbed's version better, but that's me.
Tell me what you think of the vid:)