Great! I'd recommend it to any Wii owner.
Now I know I said I would post my opinions and such like a month ago, but I was preparing for college. I didn't have much time to play, but I beat the game a couple days ago. My only disappointment was the game wasn't as long as a Metriod game should be (and they are really long, REALLY long :P). Then again, I haven't collected all the items and I don't think I will :P Once I got used to the controls, everything was a breeze.
When I finished Other M, I was thinking that I would be done playing the Wii (at least until Skyward Sword comes out), but then I remembered, DKC Returns and Kirby's Epic Yarn will be coming out soon :o. So I guess my Wii is still good for the remainder of the year.
I'll need something to occupy my time because guess what came out today? Halo Reach. I'm not getting it, but so many of my friends are. I'm going to be all alone on Live :( :P I was thinking of starting to go pro in Blazblue once Reach came out, but we'll see.
College really wasn't my excuse for not playing Other M as much as I should have. I'm always on SSFIV and MW2. I've been practicing combos with Guy, but it pisses me off when I do rank matches and all people do is grabs and focus attacks. I guess it's my fault for not seeing them coming, but it annoys me because where's the skill in that?
Well yeah that's pretty much what's been going on. OH. College is great. Today and Thursday's I only have 2 classes (Just finished one, waiting for my next one which starts at 11 AM). So I need to finish some HW while I'm waiting. :P
(Longest blog I ever wrote in a while, lol)