@joedan38 Man it took me forever to finally figure out the bullet drop was like between 2 and 3, I just didn't think it would be that high, but FINALLY!! Hope you got through it too bro!
@Promised_Trini Thank you man, at least I don't feel completely stupid that it's just me. I have only been able to kill 1 out of the 2 and I can shoot him in the same exact spot and he'll die 1 time and not die the other. I have accounted for bullet drop, off to right/left side and even in the body.....and I still can't kill them. This is the first time I have ever had a problem like this....of this magnitude at least. I even thought, since it's over 200 yards, you have to dial the scope or something that I'm just missing....Crazy bro. I really appreciate your response man :)
(campaign) - Is anyone else having trouble during the sniping level, after you kill the 10 or so guys, there are 2 guys on the tallest building with RPG's. You have to protect the helicopter (buzzsaw) before they fire the RPG's and they are over 200 yards. I have hit them dead on in the head, above the head in case of windage, in the body....and they will not die. I have to keep going through the check point over and over to finally get to these guys and they will not die. Please help, anyone that has experienced this. Thanks in advance.
This will be the first portable that I have bought since gameboy and gamegear (which were cool back in the day...lol). I love the fact that I can plug into my PS3 and keep playing and the best of all the titles seem to be pretty stellar. It's almost worth it for a new Uncharted title. I almost bought the PSP, but I'm glad I waited for this :)
I really can't say I hate any of the COD games. This was a good article and I love great graphics, but for me I don't buy these games for the graphics. I buy games like Uncharted and Mass Effect, knowing the graphics are going to be amazing. The COD games for me are all about online play.
My list: 1)Dead Space 2 2)GOW 3 3)Fall Out New Vegas 4)Crysis 2 5)Castlevania 6)Star Wars the force unleashed 2 7)La Noire 8)Black Ops Not sure when the release date is, but Resistance 3 and Killzone 3 :)
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