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Irlandais Blog

I'm such a flirt!

A Tagger Flirt that is! Which is of course a nice bonus (I mean hopping over to, aren't emblems so scarce on GameSpot by comparison? In many ways it makes them more special though...:D). Also, I've acquired a LEVEL UP to Lv. 4! Which is a real buzz although I'll know I've done something when I pass levels 10 and 20 (which sounds nightmarish with the glitch).


The exams are going really well. Maths Paper 1 was really tough though, what you'd expect from Higher Level. There was one particular question about 3 towns and how long it took from each to each, etc. and you had to solve the speed as x km/h. Well, I was stumped by the entire paper so I got to doodling the towns, and I eventually solved it! (After 3 pages of complicated caluculations!) So I'm proud of that, even if I only pass now.

Irish went really well considering it's one of our class' weakest subjects. Just look at our teacher, a quivering mouse of a woman who doesn't even cover basic verbs or prepositions. An absolute joke. Ironically, Art saved me because the paper profiled Rasher, the unbelievable artist. Seriously, his paintings are like photographs. Thank God I saw a programme all about him a year or so ago! It made such an impression it relaxed me and I found the exam really easy. 

Tomorrow it's Irish Paper 2 (usually nasty) and CSPE. I'll elaborate on that little time-waster later. I know my blog may be boring but the exams are my life. Later, I promise that my blog will develop to beyond that....much more, so check back! :D

Thanks to everyone who reads and comments by the way!! 



The Junior and Leaving Certificates have started today...whatever Irish on GameSpot will long have gone off to study! For both it opened on English Papers 1 & 2 (provided your doing Higher Level).

For those of you that don't know anything about the Irish education system, at 13 years of age most kids leave primary school to enter secondary school. Here you study for 3 years and then sit the Junior Cert. This qualifies you to leave school if you want, but it's a lot better to stay on and do the Leaving Cert. which takes place after another 2 years study. Both exams started today and will last until the end of the month with the entire country sitting it at the same time. For example, all 3rd Years sat English Papers 1 & 2 today...they actually went well for most people! Although all of our hands are numb (that's those who wrote 25 pages plus I guess) there was no blood like the mock exams which is always good!

Anyways, education rant over! I thought that I should just post that to explain my inactivity on GameSpot over the next few days. I don't get much time on the PC with all the studying and forget Wi-Fi on the DS! Sorry guys, I'm not enjoying them! It's Maths Paper 1 tomorrow and then Irish Paper one for me....uggh.

Wish me luck! :D