Iromaru / Member

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This is sick and terrible! Don't read if you aren't adult!

For some time I'm doing some research on feminism, gender equality and sex crimes for my studies and the facts and statistics I came across are just terryfying! I could write a many pages long essay on this subject but I just wanted to share some things here as they were a shock for me when I read them for the first time and I feel I should show them to peoples who, like me until just recentely, weren't aware of them.

There is a giant wave of crimes in Europe and Australia caused by muslim imigrants! Many specialists believe those aren't just normal crimes but a part of the Jyhad campain against the western world inspired by fundamentalist Islam leaders. The most terryfying is the sharply growing number of brutal gang rapes. Just look at those articles but be warned those are really sick things:

What is the worst EU leaders pretend nothing is happening and do nothing to stop this! The greatest danger coming from this is the growing hate against non-white immigrants.Some surveys show that even 75% or more europeans hate muslims and demand actions to be taken. And those people are sick of the lack of efforts on the government's side. This creates a great setting for extremists, demagogs and neo-nazis to gain support! The situation is very alike to Germany after the First World War when the hate against jews allowed Hitler to gain support and power, now the muslims may take the place of jews. If those pathetic politics that rule EU won't understand this Europe may once again be thrown into an age of hatred and conflicts! It won't happen soon but in 40-50 years anything is possible. Even today extremist political parties (sometimes open neo-nazi) have a big and growing support in some eurepean countries as they promise to end the "immigrant threat once and for all". Even in my country, where muslims are fev, those tendencies are present and growing!

Sad is also the fact that many muslims came to Europe seeking escape from fundamentalism and a better life free of medieval-like rules but they found nothing of such and in the next decades they may suffer just like jews did under Hitler's rule. All because european governments are too afraid to take serious actions. This again reminds me of the Second World War when european politics did all they could to Don't stop Hitler before it was to late...