My little brother has a rather wealthy friend who happens to own an xbox 360. And rather recently, said xbox 360 broke on him. Apparently he had voided the warrantee in one way or another and being the rather well off boy he is, just bought himself another xbox 360. My brother asked if he could borrow the broken one....and his friend obliged. With a little help from my extremely handy father, we managed to fix the broken disc drive on the 360. We informed the friend that we had fixed it and he merely told us that we could keep it!!! ZOMG. So basically, we got a core 360 for free......we just need a couple controllers, a harddrive, xbl account and some games and we're good to go! Granted, it's technically my brother and it will stay at home with him but I can play the games he buys on occasion when I come home. This is particularly funny because I acquired my PS2 in exactly the same fashion, just from one of my friends instead :lol:.
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