final fantasy 12, final fantasy x2, valkyrie profile
i dont like any of thse games. i got like 60 hours into final fantasy 12 and was bored the entire way. i dont like the weapon set up, license set up, having to make your own style of character, story, fighting, etc...
final fantasy x2 i dont like the mission set up
valkryie profile, i dont like how there are so many characters you have to get. i only use 4 and im always getting new guys i could care less about. then thy want me to level them up to get gems and stuff when i sacrifice them.
maybe im just getting old but im not feeling these new RPG set ups. i was a huge fan of final fantasy 7 and 8. i also like games where i just go around and beat stuff up like final fight, aliens vs. predator, double dragons,etc..
my favorite game is ninety nine nights. it got horrible reviews everywhee but i love it. its simple yet hard at the same time. tons of cool characters with their own story lines and you can level them up,find cool weapons diablo style, and you fight massive armies single handidly.
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