nero - hmm actually he's the first person i met here at gamespot, he's a good guy he always help me ^_^ and he is my
closest friend here ^_^
HAZE-Unit - HAZE is a good guy too he helped me to choose some good RPGs. ^_^ i met him at General Game Dis.
Honenheim - i met this person when he invited me join a union (Final Reunion Union) and it is my first union ^_^ he
helped me too to build our RPG Adept Gamerz Union.
lfclee - yah! this person loves sports! he is a good guy.
roguestar5 - i met this person at Gamerz Nation Union he is a good guy! And he is the one who created my banner! ^_^
tnx again rogue ^_^
PLZKLLME - we never talk ever since he tracked me ^^ but i know he is a good guy/lady too ^_^
Finalstar2007 - he is a good guy! he helped me to finished the game "Crisis Core".!
Apathy38 - I met this person at RPG Adept Gamerz Union! he loves bad guyz too like Sephiroth,Kefka etc. haha like me!
he also loves Joker from The Dark Knight movie. he's a good guy too ^_^
ss3goku - we never talked much, but i know he is a good guy ^_^
Rosso - we never talked yet.
Aka_Oni - yeah haha i met him when he message me! he is a kewl and good guy!
Abdullah_Ahmadi - yeah this guy is kewl! He always puts coments on my blogs ^_^ hahaha
djcoldkill - this guy love nintendo WII and DS! rock on dude!
-Yeah my friends are good and kewl guyz!!-