As of right now the only game I am excited for is Diablo 3. Me and a couple of buddies plan on playing it all the way through to inferno difficulty. I'm still on the verge of thinking whether or not I should be a barbarian or wizard.
Right now is a difficult time, AAO re-applications and school pressure are taking a toll on both me and my family. But, I am strong in the spirit, and it will help me and my family get through this. I pray also for a co worker of my mom who was injured on the job and is now in critical condition; it could have been her instead - but it wasn't, so I am grateful.
I am grateful for everything I have right now, and for the opportunities that came to me, and those that didn't - well, oh well.
Gaming wise, I am merely playing through my backlogs. Will be 24 this year in September. oh my does time fly. I want to be successful, and educational attainment is one of the best ways to get out of a person's socio economic status.
edit 4/30/12: excited also for torchlight 2 coming in July.