Sounds like a dreadfully boring game for my personal taste. I'm pretty sure I'd score this much lower then 8.0. Obviously this is just my opinion but you self righteous bastards that think your OPINION is more important then others need a lesson in humility.
Why exactly do people get angry just because someone has a different opinion then them on a 100% subjective matter? Personally I could never score a linear game higher then 5.0 as the rest of the 5 points are based on how good the open world element is. Little doubt in my mind that State of Decay remains the greatest zombie game ever made, and that game could be A LOT better.
I'd agree that Dragon Age 2 is a good game but it is in no way a great game, there is not a single thing about Dragon Age 2 that makes its stand out or a single moment in the game that really made me sit up and pay attention. It's one of those games that gives you some enjoyable hours that you forget all about the moment you leave the game. To me, Dragon Age 2 is a solid 7.5 which again is a good game but not fantastic in anyway. Comparing DA2 to a game like Fallout New Vegas makes it look so incredibly shallow, streamlined and unengaged. For example I'd without a doubt say that Risen is a better game then DA2 and so is Oblivion (thou I think Oblivion is a 8). I also think the Mass Effect games are the most overrated games in recent history btw, right up there with Halo series. They are solid fun 8/10 games but not even close to games of the year in my book.
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